
Monday, 2 May 2016

The intestines give a reflection of the health.

The intestines give a reflection of the health. is a healthy digestive system necessary for a properly functioning immune system. Wrong eating habits, antibiotic treatments, infections, genetic predisposition and so can the gut flora and thereby interfere with the immune system. The beginning of a metabolic blockade, an allergy, a lack of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, therefore, is often found in the intestines.
Special stool examinations
gain insight into the ecological system of the intestine may by special stool examinations. This gives, inter alia, information on the acidity of the intestines, the number of aerobic and anaerobic intestinal flora, the number of fungal species and the course of the digestion. Thanks to these studies will be to prescribe the appropriate dietary easier. For example, by giving a protein limitation of an excess of intestinal proteolytic germs (bacteria which lives of proteins). Whether or not a fat restriction with an excess of lipolytic intestinal germs (bacteria that live of fats), and a carbohydrate limitation in an excess of fungi (life of these sugars).
Each bacterium's own growth conditions
In general, one divides -that the intestinal flora are the micro-organisms that life- into the intestine in their on conditions for growth. There are aerobic, anaerobic and microaerophile flora. Aerobic bacteria grow in the presence of oxygen, anaerobic bacteria grow in oxygen-free conditions and microaerophile bacteria require oxygen conditions.

Resident and transient flora

There is a difference and that is the difference between what is called the resident and transient flora. The resident flora are essential for physiological processes in the intestines. These are called "obligate bacteria. It is derived from the word obligate it compulsory means necessary.
The transient flora, also called passing germs, are permanently present in the intestine. They simply come in through the diet. They are to some extent, tolerated and have, in general, no use. Indeed they have a harmful effect on the bowel. Therefore, are indicated in the results of the investigations so-called stool tolerated values ​​(e.g. <4.10).

The correct mutual proportions

A negative shift between resident aerobic, anaerobic, microaerophile bacteria and an increase of the transient flora (including molds), leads to a damage of the intestines. This may lead to a damage of the metabolism (metabolism). The above-mentioned "resident flora" provide an incentive effect. This good effect as a result of it, is dependent on the development of the intestinal mucosa, and the functioning of the immune system.
An additional "safety valve"
The wide dissemination and receptor blockade of flora which forms a barrier in front of foreign germs. (A receptor blockade is a specific ability of the body to signal unwanted and / or hazardous substances, to obstruct this road and thus to hinder the passage.) Such a barrier is created by a healthy struggle to create nutrients and by creating growth inhibition (so-called microbicide) metabolic products. Together with the anatomical classification of intestinal wear this (resident) flora to the resistance to passing (transient) seeds (including any molds).
In addition to forming this barrier function taking the (resident) flora mainly participates in the metabolism of the intestinal mucosa. So they can produce fatty acids. The fatty acids produced by this flora with a short molecular chain care about 40% of the energy requirement for the epithelial cells of the large intestine. Some bacteria of the intestinal flora, such as Bifidobacteria strains and E. coli. making the vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, folic acid, biotin, niacin, and pantothenic acid to. All important components for your health.
PH value
The pH -also genoemd- acidity of the stool is a simple but important criterion for assessing the intestinal bacteria present in the gut. This value indicates the result of all the microbial metabolic processes in the large intestine. The pH of the stool does not indicate the pH in the tissues. This applies in particular to the composition of the intestinal flora and in particular the individual ratios between the nutrients that affect the pH-value.
Carbohydrates you eat are the carbohydrate bacteria (the saccharolytische bacterial flora) in the large intestine into fatty acids. This results in an acidification of the gut flora, which gives a pH-lowering action. Proteins that you eat are converted by the protein-active intestinal flora, the proteolytic active intestinal bacteria. These produce ammonia and other metabolic products, which give alkaline effects. That is to say, they have a pH-increasing effect.
Saccharolytische intestinal germs
These are acidic (ie pH-lowering) and life carbohydrate / fiber. Some are called:
Enterococcus sp.
Lactobacillus sp,
Bifidobacterium sp.
E. coli / E.coli variants
Proteolytic intestinal germs
These are alkalizing (ie increases the pH value) and life of proteins. Some are called:
E. coli / E.coli variants
bacteroid tribes
Clostridia sp. (Also lypolytisch: that is, the lives of fat)
Proteus Klebsiella
A healthy gut means a proper pH

In a European omnivorous (this is an omnivorous, including, inter alia, is of a human being) with healthy intestines, the pH-value of between 6.0 to 7.0. Unbalanced diet or faulty digestion leads to an incorrect intestinal flora. This in turn gives an undesirable shift of the pH-value.

are carbohydrates
pH lowering.
Proteins are increasing pH.
 The excess food of proteins or fats gives a surplus of it in the colon, and which gives an alkaline (pH increasing) intestinal environment. This is also true for disturbances in the protein and fat digestion (such as exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, impaired secretion of bile acids), and for inflammations of the intestinal mucosa.

The proper acidity of your intestines

A predominantly acid-forming (saccharolytisch) active colonic microflora by diet high in fiber and carbohydrate intolerance thus lead to an acidification of faeces. That's good, because in an alkaline (ie pH increasing) pH many bacterial enzyme systems function optimally with a harmful effect, aims at an acidic pH of the stool between 5.8 - 6.8. This value can be expected with a high-fiber diet.
In infants, the colonic microflora consists almost exclusively of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, so acidifying bacteria, as evidenced by the typical acid-smelling faeces with a pH-value between 5.0 to 5.5.
An incorrect acidity
When an error of acidity can be a harmful to humans, bacterial metabolic products (toxins) are produced, such as biogenic amines or precarcinogenen. Moreover settle and multiply all sorts of unwanted germs (including enteropathogens) is better in alkaline (pH increasing) environment.
A pH value of greater than 7.0 is not recommended. Therefore, this value is used as the upper limit. At a pH of 7.0 or higher have an accurate food history and possible. further research (digestion parameter indications of inflammation) to be done. Followed by a therapeutic treatment.

A good digestion: half the work
Flatulence, vague symptoms in the abdomen, diarrhea, constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders, often accompanied by more or less obvious shifts in the intestinal flora. Resulting in inadequate functioning digestive system and / or inadequate absorption of nutrients. With the help of certain tests, it is possible to demonstrate a lack of digestion (muscle fibers, starch, neutral fats, fatty acids) in the stool. This simple, rapid and inexpensive method is a first indication of disturbances in your digestive or in your recording. Sometimes, further research may be needed.
bacterial dysbiosis
The intestinal flora protects your body from infection, produces important nutrients and plays an important role in your immune system. A good balance in the intestinal flora is essential. When this balance gets disturbed, we speak of a "bacterial dysbiosis. It usually relates to an excess of one or more species with less favorable properties, such as a fungal species of the bacterium Pseudomonas or Clostridium. This over-growth at the expense of the benign flora (e.g. Lactobacillus and the Bifido).
The emergence of a dysbiosis
An imbalance in the intestinal flora caused by various causes. Here we mention a few. There is no doubt about the indispensability of antibiotics. They are real lifesavers in emergencies. In addition to the pathogen that is contested, can in some antibiotic treatments (oral, broad-spectrum) unfortunately a very large proportion of benign microflora disappear in the gut. The resulting "empty" intestine is very susceptible to infections both from outside and from the inside by certain substances which are still in the bowel. Twenty to thirty percent of people treated with broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy gets diarrhea is almost always the result of an infection with Clostridium. Further, other infections may also occur, such as by Candida, E-coli, yeast and fungi. Not only antibiotics can give an undesirable effect on the beneficial microflora. Other possibilities include:

Prolonged or frequent constipation

Chlorine and other chemicals bacteroïcide (heavy metals, drugs, fluorine the like) which are located in the drinking water.
Meat from factory farming with antibiotics
Excessive alcohol use / abuse.
Excessive sugar, fat and animal protein use (eg cheese, meat, milk).
Eating spoiled food, food poisoning.
Prolonged fasting. Or not eat, such as may occur with eating disorders.
Digestive disorders (insufficient heartburn, poor gallbladder function, poor pancreatic enzyme production, poor bowel movement).
Intestinal Surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
Medication (eg, NSAIDs, which are anti-inflammatory drugs).
Emotional and physical stress.
Digestion and minerals
Dietary minerals and trace elements are usually bound to proteins or other organic compounds. Some can be incorporated in this form through the small intestine. Most minerals and trace elements can be included as ion. To this end, they need to chew through first be deprotected from their bound form, and by a partial digestion of the food. The digestion runs in two phases:

Phase 1 relates to the digestion in the stomach, wherein the mineral is released in ionic form.
Phase 2 relates to the packing (the chelation) of the mineral by amino acids (amino acid chelate), whereupon absorption can take place.
Easy minerals in ion form
Complaints as dysbiosis, reduced enzymatic activity of the pancreas, decreased gastric acid production and atrophy of the villi and malabsorption syndrome, have negative effects on digestion. There is a possibility to then give gesuppleerde minerals in an ionic form, such that one phase of the digestion is bypassed. In the intestine, sufficient protein is present from degradation of ancient intestinal cells for the phase 2: the packing (the chelation) of the mineral ions to amino acid complexes that are necessary for proper absorption (absorption).
What is an ion?
An ion is a particle (an atom or group of atoms) which carries an electrical charge. There are two groups of ions: positively charged ions, the cations (+) and negatively charged ions, the anions (-). Examples of cations important in the body are those of magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, and hydrogen. Important anions include bicarbonate, chloride, and phosphate.
catalytic oligotherapy
 Oligo- or trace elements are natural minerals which are administered in small doses. They help the activator of enzymes and enzyme lifting blockades. They play a role as a o.a: cofactor of enzymes, vitamins and structural substances and hormones in the body. It plays a role as a regulator in ion fluxes through the membranes, and if as a regulator at the DNA synthesis.

Oligo-elements can be utilized optimally when they are administered in the ionized form (the "non-bound" form or the so-called pre-digested form). Tablets are not ionized because the charge of the minerals are neutralized by the tabletting. For the same reason you should have contact liquid ionic trace elements not with a metal spoon.
Better absorption
The uptake (absorption) is increased very effectively by the ionized form. Trace elements are very rapidly through the oral mucosa directly into the bloodstream. Hence the advice the liquid thirty seconds under the tongue, preferably fasting or before meals.

Harmful bacteria and harmful effects

The wrong bacteria can cause damage to an overgrowth in the intestinal flora. On one side will be damaged by special enzymes that give off the harmful bacteria. On the other hand, will be damaged by the waste products of this amount of harmful bacteria. Of this latter suffer in particular from the liver and the intestinal wall. We put it to you in a nutshell what could be the dire consequences.
Harmful enzyme activities
Enzymes that are produced can be found by a bacterial overgrowth in the stool. The most important enzymes are:

Urease (from Bacteroides, Proteus, Klebsiella) is recalled by eating a lot of meat. Urease makes water soluble urea to ammonia, increasing the pH-value of the stool. This is more likely to damage intestinal mucosa (mucosal damage) and eventually colon cancer.
Decarboxylase delivers vaso-active and neurotoxic amines. Include histamine, octopamine, tyramine) which provides, among others headache, behavioral changes and nervous on prickles.
Tryptofanase is called up by the meat and provides for the breakdown of tryptophan to carcinogenic phenols.
Beta glucuronidase is called by protein foods and makes for hydrolyzing (solubilization in water) of conjugated estrogens and bile salts (in the liver) which makes them de-conjugation and thus come back into circulation. This may indicate an increased risk of breast cancer by an excess of the 'wrong' estrogens. Toxic (toxic) bile salts ensure damage to the intestinal wall. This may give a risk of the leaky bowel syndrome and an increase in allergic reactions).
azoreductase; hydrolyzing (making soluble in water) also bile salts.
nitroreductase; hydrolyzing (making soluble in water) the bile salts.
pancreases; pancreatic enzymes break down and that of the intestinal brush border. This results in a poor functioning pancreas, poor nutrient uptake and damage intestinal mucosa (mucosal damage). In the worst case can damage the villi (viili) and a pseudo-celiac arise with gluten sensitivity as a result.
Tax liver and inflammation of the intestinal wall
The exo and endotoxins (toxic = toxic) caused by leaking too much harmful bacteria through the intestinal wall (tight junctions). This inflammation causes damage to the intestinal wall and liver. As a result, nutrients from the diet can not be properly recorded. This may in turn cause other unpleasant effects such as fatigue, skin problems, joint problems etc.
Additional work for the liver
The liver has to make an excess of harmful bacteria 'overtime' to the toxins that leak through the intestinal detoxification. Many free radicals come here freely, making bile is full of toxins. What, in turn, indicates damage caused to the pancreas, and too great a permeability (hyperpermeability) of the intestine.
Poisonous (toxic) substances and toxic bile salts give an overstimulation of the bowel (IBS, irritable bowel syndrome) resulting in bloating, pain, and similar food intolerances

Leaking antibodies from the intestine can adhere to joint spaces and so give inflammatory reactions in the joints. Treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is in fact the problem of leaky gut worse by increasing inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. It is known that infections in the gut, for example, Klebsiella, Salmonella and Yersinia can cause reactive arthritis (joint inflammation). Bacterial antigens may then leak into the bloodstream (translocation) and cause (through immunodeficiency sensitizer) inflammation in the joints.
A part of the stool examination may be whether there is excess fungi in the intestinal flora. Most people know especially the fungus Candida albicans. There are many other important fungi, such as:

yeast Fungi

Candida albicans
Var, stellatoidea
Candida glabrata
Candida guillermondii
Candida krusei
Candida parapsilosis
Candida tropicalis
Trichosporon cutaneum
Saccharomyces cerviciae
Cryptococcus neoformans
Geotrichum candidum

non-pathogenic fungi

e.g. Candida utiles (baker's yeast)
Cunningham Ella elegans Skin Fungus

Mikrosporum nanum
Mikrosporum mentagrophytes
Mikrosporum gypseum
Trichophyton tonsurans
Trichophyton schoenleinii
Trichophyton rubrum


Aspergillus fumigatus
Aspergillus niger
Aspergillus flavus
Alternaria alternata
Mucor species
Rhizomucor pusillus
The results of stool tests

In assessing the stool examination must take into account many components. For example, may occur simultaneously various digestive disorders. It may also be that account should be taken of gross lesions in the intestinal mucosa. It will also consider whether there is an excess of fungi.

Darmflora building
Hence, building the intestinal flora -as for example, lifting a dysbiose- involves several points that need to be addressed simultaneously. These simultaneous approach on several fronts causes the intestinal flora is in order as quickly as possible. (The course lasts an average of 2 months). Some parts of this construction are as follows:

1. Tackling the 'overall flora depression and / or the excess fungi
'Overall flora depression' is the phenomenon that exhibits the intestinal flora across the board shortcomings.

create a breeding ground for good aerobic and anaerobic gut bacteria and replenishing more of these good bacteria. You can think of eating plenty of fiber (fruits, vegetables) and taking Inulin (see also below) and to supplementing probiotics (with a composition of the bacteria that are missing or reduced for you.)
2. pH recovery or conservation
Due to the correct acidity values ​​(pH values), especially the growth of the body's anaerobic intestinal flora is stimulated in the intestine. As a result, the immunological role of the intestinal flora is supported.

After 6 to 8 weeks needed a new control for the stool.

The digestive enzymes can therefore also work better. In addition, the recovery of the intestinal mucosa is achieved. You can think of special dietary that are necessary for promoting the adhesion of the bacteria and to compositions which provide for a good adhesion of the bacteria, or a preparation of enterococci and / or Escherichia coli.
3. Digestion support
Special dietary supporting digestion or preparations that do this can improve digestion. Depending on the excess of the bacterial species (and) you can get advice if:

When lipolytic species (eg Clostridium) above are fat restriction.

When proteolytic species (eg Pseudomonas) above are protein restriction (especially animal protein).
At the saccharolytische species (for example, when lowering the Bifido and presence of mold): for this subject to a strict restriction carbohydrate.
4. Prebiotics
The bacteria living in the intestine are for a large part dependent on dietary fiber. There are two types of fiber: soluble and non-water-soluble. Among the water-soluble fibers are covered by other inulin, pectin and (oat) bran. Among the non-water-soluble cellulose.

The water-soluble fiber is known as having regard to its chemical structure, non-starch polysaccharides (NSP). The small intestine this group of substances can not record (resorb). Thus, they are completely at the disposal of the intestinal flora in the colon. Fibres and health-promoting bacteria The bacteria living in the intestine are for a large part dependent on dietary fiber. There are two types of fiber: soluble and non-water-soluble. Among the water-soluble fibers are covered by other inulin, pectin and (oat) bran. Among the non-water-soluble cellulose.

The water-soluble fiber is known as having regard to its chemical structure, non-starch polysaccharides (NSP). The small intestine this group of substances can not record (resorb). Thus, they are completely at the disposal of the intestinal flora in the colon.
Inulin and its relationship with bifidobacteria
Inulin is in the group NSPs a comprehensive substance. Of bifidobacteria are known to possess enzymes which are suitable for the hydrolysis (to make it soluble in water) of inulin. Inulin is found in artichokes, chicory nature pear, sweet potatoes and bananas. The bifidobacterium and other groups of health-promoting bacteria are stimulated by NSP.

Bifidobacteria: for your health

Bifidobacteria (lactic acid bacteria) have the following positive effects on health:

They produce B-vitamins.
They go against allergies. The microbial metabolism in the large intestine to move inulin in, inter alia short chain fatty acids such as acetate, propionate and butyrate. These substances enter the red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the colon for the better. Due to a shortage of erythrocytes, the passage ability of the gut (intestinal permeability) increases, which provokes allergies and food intolerances.
They obstruct the growth of Clostridium and other undesirable micro-organisms. By an unbalanced diet with lack of roughage, the number of bifidobacteria back. This group is largely dependent on NSPs as a power source. Via stool tests is to demonstrate this effect. The consequence of this is that Clostridium bacteria can multiply. The metabolic products of these bacteria have been previously described as a negative effect on the intestinal environment. The stool is basic and there is ammonia (which is responsible for the liver) in protein metabolism. Thereby create conditions that promote the housing of pathogenic (pathogenic) bacteria. Also, the bile salts than sufficient included allowing bile production must increase to compensate. This makes the risk of gallstone formation increases. Even more dramatic are the changes under the influence of the NDH-clostridiumgroep (* Nuclear Dehydrogenetaing Clostridia) occur. These bacteria are capable of bile acids to convert into carcinogenic (carcinogenic) substances. This process may cause longer-term colorectal cancer (colon cancer).
They give less burden on the kidneys and liver. By an increased number of bifidobacteria in the body (due to the intake of inulin) creates a greater bacterial conversion of nitrogen. The bacterial metabolites, binding to nitrogen results in a higher nitrogen excretion on, resulting in less ammonia may be formed. An excess of ammonia gives, inter alia, headache, fatigue, dullness, itching. The increased number of lactic acid bacteria after acidification of the intestine lumen. The ratio of ammonia-ammonium thereby shifting to ammonium. Ammonium is hardly absorbed and leaves through the stool body. benefit the liver and kidneys of these and less stress.
It gives a decrease in cholesterol. The acidification of the gut lumen by the lactic acid-producing bifidobacteria also explains the reduction in cholesterol through the use of inulin. Thereby binds inulin triglycerides, phospholipids, free fatty acids and cholesterol to itself, making these substances bound to leave the body through the stool. You will notice this by a reduction in fatigue and improved performance.
Inulin put the bowels moving. Inulin is not only a treat for the intestinal bacteria. Also in obesity is recommended intake of inulin. Due to the water-binding capacity of inulin takes over the feeling of satiety, and the gastric emptying is delayed. Inulin stabilizes glucose fluctuations in the blood, causing fat storage and hunger feelings are inhibited. When constipation inulin provides a safe and effective solution. An improvement of the bowel function with severe disordered gut can only after 8 to 16 weeks of anthraquinone derivatives such as senna action products in the long term harm the intestines and the intestinal lumen. It is also an ever-higher dose needed to produce results. Inulin has these effects and can be taken long-term. In the use of inulin, the volume of the stool is increasing. The volume increase intestinal peristalsis increases. The stool is softer. Inulin can bind certain digestive enzymes, making the nutrients optimally available. The improved efficiency of the digestive enzymes relieve the pancreatic and bile. A landscaped strength "lactic flora 'improves the tolerance of lactose. Through the use of pre- or probiotics, and it is often possible to build out a lactose intolerance. Through the use of inulin takes the speed of the passage of the nutrient. The higher the weight of the stool, the shorter is resident in the intestines. The shorter transit time is the contact with poisonous (toxic) and cancer-causing (carcinogenic) substances at least, it does not matter whether the substances are in the food or arise as a byproduct of metabolism. In doing so, water-soluble dietary fiber a high binding capacity of cations through their large surface area. Tax will be reduced by heavy metals. Inulin intake in diabetics allows for a delayed release of the carbohydrates present in the feed. Research indicates that improves the glucose tolerance, reduces glucose excretion via the kidneys and there occurs a decrease in the HbA1 value.
It inhibits bacteria which are able to convert nitrates into nitrites potentially dangerous.
In addition to inulin and probiotics the lactobacilli are also of great importance. Briefly, they have the following characteristics:

They enter the adherence or growth of disease-causing (
pathogenic) bacteria in the intestines against, which reduces their ability to colonize the gastrointestinal tract.
They produce bactericidal metabolites such as H2O2.
They hinder the transfer of pathogenic bacteria along the intestinal walls.
They promote the breakdown of the gifts produced by pathogenic bacteria (such as carcinogenic amines).
They provide for the inclusion of nitrite, thus preventing the formation of harmful amines is.
The harmful enzyme activity (see above) of the bacteria decreases.
In particular, the bifido is able to ferment difficult digestible carbohydrates (oligosaccharides) to give short chain fatty acids are produced which promote the intestinal peristalsis.
Lactobacilli have the ability to prevent the action of microbial toxins by changing the toxin receptors of the host enzymatically. League to play sites on the intestinal epithelium and available nutrients involved.
Lactobacilli indicate a reduction of Enterococci and Clostridium overgrowth overgrowth.
Lactobacilli complete breakdown of food allergens (eg cow's milk caseins). As a result, immune responses are suppressed against food allergens, and which also gives a reduction in inflammation reactions (down-regulation of an immune response).
Lactobacilli reduce the urease activity in the intestines (giving improvements in arthritis).
Lactobacilli have high beta-galactosidase activity which can convert the lactose present in milk or yogurt into glucose and galactose. (Amount of produced hydrogen gas measurement indicates the amount of lactose can be converted. High measurements give lactose-intolerance to).
They give an increased IgA -immuunrespons, thereby increasing the immunological barrier.
They produce antibodies, and also increase the stimulation of phagocytes that are essential for the proper functioning of the immune system.
They help in the assimilation of cholesterol.
They make lactase free, the enzyme which is responsible for the breakdown of milk lactose.
They exhibit pronounced anti-microbial activities against organisms such as C. difficile, Candida albicans, E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus, Heliobacter pylori.
The re-colonization of the appropriate micro flora runs more smoothly after the use of a course of antibiotics which increases the risk for overgrowth of the damaging is prevented.
Tumour M2 -PK test in the stools.
This test from the faeces is to detect early colon cancer. 30,000 patients a year who die from colon cancer is the second place as a kind of carcinoma fatal. The timely detection and treatment, the cure rate is high. The measurement of tumor M2-PK is not dependent on the detection of occult blood in the stool.
Calprotectinetest in the stool

Calprotectin is a protein complex with anti-bacterial properties. Calprotectin bacteria deprives the difficulty of to develop. Calprotectin is secreted by inflammatory responses of neutrophils, macrophages and keratincyten. It is a test that can differentiate between a chronic inflammation, intenstinale diseases and irritable colon syndrome. This test also has eenhoge sensitivity in the detection of colon-rectal carcinomas and polyps. Calprotectin and M2-PK may be affected by parasites. Calprotectin is a marker for inflammation of the intestines. It is logical that this parameter is increased by parasitic infections. The M2-PK may also be increased are present in the case of a gluten-enteropathy.

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