Questions PCOS symptoms to stabilize your blood sugar
Below you can learn what diet breaks the downward spiral and restore the hormonal balance in the body. More energy, no more binge eating, a healthy weight, an improvement in your cycle and beautiful skin. Enjoy it, because eating this way is so tasty. You do not need all at once to throw, small steps give the best results and if you come in a sustainable way ever closer to your goal. At its core is in PCOS first important to get your blood sugar levels stable. That gives the greatest change from sickness to health.
Tip 1. Replace all fast, processed sugars by slow, natural sugars.
Fast, processed sugars have no nutritional value to the body and give a huge spike and drop in your blood sugar. These large peaks and troughs get your hormone balance upside down and bring your insulin levels out of balance (insulin resistance). Without sugar go is not necessary. There are enough types of natural sugars that provide a steady release of energy and full of nutrition.
Do not be fooled by marketing diet products or sugar-free products. These usually contain artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, sucrose or glucose syrup which are much more harmful to your health than actual sugars. That touches your hormone balance only really confused. If you want to use sugar, choose unprocessed natural sugars do not cause sharp spikes in your blood sugar! Please note that in addition to added sugars in the diet also on the glycemic index (GI) of natural sugars. In other words, how quickly absorbed from food, the carbohydrates such as glucose (sugar) in the blood. With a GI below 55 denotes the green zone. All sweeteners from the supermarket, also refined stevia you want to avoid at all times! Coconut Flower Sugar is a good sweetener with a low glycemic index.
"Healthy sugars with a low glycemic index"
"Clogged sugars in our diet '
Agave syrup, a sweetener which is even worse than sugar
Stevia, assassin or savior.
Tip 2. Replace all fast carbohydrates in your diet by slow, sustainable and natural carbohydrates.
The problem with the modern diet for women with PCOS symptoms is that they are packed with unhealthy, empty carbohydrates that raise your blood sugar and huge valleys. Overproduction of the hormone insulin and insulin resistance as a result. When we talk about these unhealthy empty carbohydrates than we are talking about; potatoes, corn and all products made from refined grains such as bread, pasta, rice etc. We usually hear, "But what can I eat it?" The answer is that there is a whole world of koolydraten exist which do not apply to most of us in our diet.
In this category we have put down books that clearly provide the solution to the problem of insulin resistance and how to restore it with food. Replacement of bread, potatoes and other simple carbohydrates is nice when you read how this way of eating can be easy and delicious.

Rapid change of empty carbs sustainable and nutritious carbohydrates is the best present you can give to yourself if you are hormonal health. Your mood is stable, you sleep better, get more energy and your metabolism to recover.
Tip 3. Combine with plenty of healthy fats and protein to slow the absorption of sugar in your blood.
When you are in your meals with carbs each time adding enough healthy sources of fats and proteins, the sugars are evenly absorbed into your body. This is a very important and clever ploy to stabilize your blood sugar.
Healthy sources of fats: For hot use, bring to boil, the following greases very good for your hormoonbalans and give them the least Oxidative stress because they are resistant to heat: Kokosolie, ghee (clarified butter), Red Palmolie.Voor cold use: Olive oil, hennepzaadolieLet there with oil always that the quality is organic and that the packaging of glass. This is not a food product to make concessions in fat because the property has optimally absorb pollutants such as pesticides and plasticizers in plastic.
Proteins exist naturally in the form of meat, but there are also plenty of plant forms of proteins. Many yearn for food may also indicate a lack of protein in your diet.
Animal: If you choose animal forms of proteins make sure that they are as biologically possible without artificial additives or processing. Watch out for fish like tilapia and pangasius because these are heavily polluted. At blikvis always choose good quality water. Webshops as and are good sources because the quality is very high and the price pretty good. Dairy products can be better replaced by vegetable forms of protein. If you want to keep yogurt and cheese in your diet, you can choose the best goat cheese and yogurt because they are easier to digest.
Vegetable: Vegetable forms of proteins found in the form of avocado, hemp seed, Kefir, Seaweed, Vegetable sprouts, nuts and seeds, mushrooms.
Tip 4. The healing power of finely ground flaxseed
Linseed is widely used in oil, but the healing power of linseed is not actually found in the fatty acid composition but a substance called lignans' what is not in the oil contained only in the seeds. There are various types of lignans contained in fruits and vegetables in small dosage, but in very high doses in flaxseed. What is PCOS symptoms are so healing to lignans. Here's why: When PCOS is usually the case that there are surpluses of both estrogen and male hormones. There is a specific type of lignan that very nicely hangs on this issue. It is the "SDG plant lignan 'has the ability to increase the level of SHBG causing various forms of androgens that roam freely in the blood in many women with PCOS can be bound again. The excessive presence of male hormones is thus reduced. It also helps to reduce the stress hormone cortisol and to balance estrogen. 30 grams of finely ground flaxseed per day for 4 months, in a research study, led to: 70% reduction in total serum testosterone, a 89% reduction in free serum testosterone and a 65% reduction in the percentage of free testosterone. Also, a reduction of hirsutism, there was observed. It is important that you do daily self grinds the whole seeds! When ground flaxseed is you can not keep too long viz. The active substances are lost and it will oxidise which soon rancid (term for oil is not good) is. So it is a very cost-effective solution to address something structural in your hormonal balance. Organic flaxseed can now be found in every supermarket and health food store. For example, fine grinding to a "Krups F203 grinder '€ 24.50. You do flaxseed into it and within seconds you have super fine ground flaxseed which all the active substances nice to do their work in your body. You can do this through your yogurt, juice, smoothie or just do it through your food. Because you suddenly get extra fiber inside it is advisable to drink plenty of water before you can immediately check on the next tip to see how good it is for your hormone balance!
Tip 5: Drink more water! And fill your minerals with a saline solution.
Detoxification of the body is an important precondition for health. Because the liver plays a very important role in the production and filtering of hormones, it is very important to restore your body's most important system for detoxification. This is first of all your fluid balance. Saline with unrefined salt helps to replenish the minerals in your body, gives you energy boosts in the morning and is essential for hair and skin problems. Drinking enough water is very important, pay attention to the quality of the water. Drink tap water or in any case out of plastic containers. A good water filter is the best solution.
"How do I restore my fluid balance?"
Create a sole of Celtic Sea Salt by A Healthy Life
Avoid plastic containers in PCOS symptoms
BPA-free bottle of glass
Tip 6: Replace dairy products, but do it smart!
No milk from the cow, in any case. Milk also read the white destructor
Choose organic meat / fish.
Choose vegetable milk of nuts like hazelnut milk, almond milk or coconut milk bio-shop.
Meat substitutes soy! Only fermented soy is good. See also this article on soy.
Goat cheese or goat Yogurt is easier to digest than cow's milk products.
You can easily make yourself coconut yogurt! Click here for the recipe. Super Healthy!
Green smoothies are a great way to get more protein in a very healthy way. Click here for delicious recipes.
If you like to eat yogurt, choose organic yogurt full of nature store, directly from a good farmer.
Tip 7: Eat at regular intervals

Tip 8: Help! Nutritional advice via e-mail or find a dietician in hormone balance
For questions about your diet or help in changing this, please contact Fleur via She answered her mail once a week. She is a trainer hormone factor and traveling at this time around by Spain.
Would you like to go to a dietitian who knows how to restore your hormone balance based diet? Click here for a list of trainers 'Hormone Factor'.
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