
Sunday 1 May 2016


PCOS and refined sugar
Tip, avoid refined sugar to ensure that your blood sugar in balance
PCOS, never heard of, I thought when my gynecologist told me she thought diagnosed with PCOS. After some research I found that up to 10% of the female population has to deal with symptoms of PCOS. Yes 10%, quite a lot anyway ?! So this was for me a reason to share my experiences, tips and located.


PCOS or: Poly cystic Ovary Syndrome actually means that there is more than one (poly) moisture vesicles (cystic) are present in the ovary (ovary).
The diagnosis of PCOS is given to women where there is a disruption of the hormone household and fertility.

In the first half of the menstrual cycle normally develop several follicles (follicles) in the ovaries. Usually grows this one further, which comes to an ovulation (ovulation). In PCOS multiple small follicles are formed which are difficult or lead to ovulation. The follicles that have been developed include are also known as cysts. Because of this disorder, it may be in the maturation of the follicles you do not or irregular menses. In a normal menstrual cycle you are 13 to 14 times indisposed in PCOS less than 8 times.


- Cysts (vesicles) in the ovaries
- Irregular ovulation (irregular / no menstruation)
- Acne, excessive hair growth and or overweight. (Overweight comes in 40% of women with PCOS for)
Not everyone has all the symptoms last.


The value of various hormones LH (the hormone that induces ovulation), possibly testosterone and insulin (the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels) are increased. The high level of testosterone can cause in some cases acne or excessive hair growth. When some of the women with PCOS is insulin resistance. This hormone is involved in the regulation of blood sugar levels. When your body is resistant to insulin becomes less sensitive to the insulin it produces. This allows the body produces a higher concentration of insulin. Often insulin resistance seen as a symptom but by some scientists is now considered as a cause.


I myself do not suffer from excessive acne, excessive hair or overweight but my period remains completely. Already 10 months and for this I swallowed the pill for 10 years so I do not know how did my natural cycle. was an echo to the gynecologist to see that there are many follicles in my ovaries.

Soon I'm going to make an appointment for a blood test to determine the value of various hormones.

I've gotten advice as if I want to become pregnant clomid can swallow if this does not work gonadotrophin injections and if this does not work there are options such as I.U.I, IVF or ICSI. But I want to do everything to be for this and to provide a natural way that my menstruation starts up again and fight the causes rather than the symptoms.

Because I have read a lot about nutrition and experiences of others, I really believe that insulin resistance may have to do with it.

Here are some tips that can help to keep your blood sugar levels.
- Avoid refined sugars
- Reduce carbohydrate foods. Carbohydrates are converted into sugars.
- Do not skip meals. Not too much time between meals (no longer than 3 hours). For example, eat more often a little (healthy) meal
- Start your day with a glass of water (with lemon)
- Do not drink coffee for breakfast
- Breakfast for up to 90 minutes after getting up
- Add more lemon to your diet. Lemons helps to buffer the uptake of sugar
- Cinnamon lowers blood sugar significantly. Add cinnamon to your breakfast (eg in your oatmeal porridge)
- Add fermented foods to your diet - this slows down the absorption of sugar. I try myself for example adding sauerkraut to my lunch for instance on a cracker, good with hummus and tomato.
- Pay attention to the glycemic index (below 55) and glycemic load.

The glycemic index (GI) is value that indicates how quickly carbohydrates are digested to be included in the intestine and as glucose. So this value indicates the degree to which they affect blood sugar. The GI does not account for the amount of carbohydrates per serving, the glycemic load does take into account the amount of carbohydrates contained in the food.

Glycemic load actually says more. This does not mean that you can eat no products with high load. The fact also relates to the combinations with good protein, good fats and fiber.

But what is most important, look what nutrition your body. How do you feel after your meal, tired or just energetic? Are you satisfied or did you just pull in fresh? Because when you're fatigued or hungry again in fresh're after food is likely that blood sugar levels rose quickly through your meal. In addition, it becomes easier to certain foods to the next stand as you realize what it does to your body.

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