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PCOS; woman disease or poor nutrition?

PCOS; woman disease or poor nutrition?
 part 1955
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response 66
 Barbara Havenith 66 Comments Woman Complaints January 24, 2014
PCOS; woman disease or poor nutrition?

The more I read and learn, the more I realize how incredibly important a healthy diet is to maintain a healthy female body 40+. With healthy food it is often possible for a woman ailment such as PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome, prevent and even cure.

Do you have menstrual problems, suffer from acne, excess hair growth or are you just plagued by baldness on top of your head? Then read something gynecologist and orthomolecular physician Barbara Havenith to tell us about has.

PCOS - polycystic ovary syndrome
What is that? PCOS or polycystic ovarian disease is nothing more than a collection of symptoms that you should have at least two to be diagnosed with PCOS:

Little or no periods.
Excessive production of male hormone. This manifests itself in acne, excess hair on your body and face and hair loss on your head. In the blood too high, male hormone values ​​can be measured.
A particular aspect of the ovaries, there are many small follicles or follicles to be found near it. In an echo to see it. For the determination of PCOS should be more than ten.
What problems can you expect in PCOS?
Problems that are caused by PCOS as mentioned above:

Acne or breakouts
Problems with excessive hair
be bald
Lack of menstrual periods
abundant periods
If menstruation does this usually fierce. There may also be problems for younger women to become pregnant, because it rarely occurs spontaneously ovulating.

Most women find that they have PCOS if they stop taking the pill for a child. The cycle does not spontaneously. Women who do not use the pill may constitute long intervals between periods. In the medical literature, it is said that 1 in 7 to 15 women suffers from PCOS. The problem now is more than 30 years ago.

What are the causes of PCOS?
The presumed causes of PCOS are also partly predisposition and hereditary factors, but the most important cause is insulin resistance and obesity. 90% of women with PCOS is insulin resistant and 80% suffer from overweight. Insulin resistance means your body cells do not properly respond to insulin. Insulin is necessary for blood sugar, or glucose, to get from your blood into your cells.

Insulin can be seen as a key to the lock of the door of the cell so that the glucose can enter. When insulin resistance make plenty of insulin, but the problem lies in the locks of the door; which do not respond properly. It is even becoming more insulin created to still get the important blood sugar into your cells. If there are a lot of insulin is made, all the doors open at once and then disappear in a short time the sugar from the blood into the cells. Too little sugar in your blood does not feel fine. You get severe acute hunger - hunger knock - and you're trembling, dizzy and you may feel sweaty. You feel that if you do not get very quickly what to eat, you'll faint.

Good nutrition with insulin resistance
An important solution for insulin resistance is that you're going to feed you otherwise. Let added sugars from your diet away. Unfortunately, almost all foods prepared sugar added by the food industry. It's called not always on the package "sugar." It is inter alia, also called glucose syrup, glucose / fructose syrup, natural fruit sugar, corn syrup, modified corn starch and called HFCS. There are many names for various forms of sugars.

The ratio of carbohydrates (sugars), protein, and fat must be different. Most people get more than 50% of their daily calories from carbohydrates, even those who are well-to-disk-to-five opinions. By contrast, more protein (from fish, eggs, nuts, meat, shellfish and legumes) and do not have to cut back on fat. do eat the good fats, preferably olive oil, rapeseed oil and coconut oil. If you change your diet, you will have your first week may not feel so good, accustomed as you are to the sugar kicks you've given yourself a few times a day. But after a few days to a week you will notice progress.

Especially eat lots of vegetables helps good
Very active in PCOS is eating lots of vegetables. Most preferably greater than 200 grams per day, even double the amount is optimal. This can get to each other by, for example two or three times per day to eat vegetables, and most preferably more than one color at a time. Vegetables are high in fiber and unlike eating (whole wheat) bread, these fibers slow the absorption of sugar into your intestines to the blood. This will cause less insulin needed and avoid the knock hungry. With this power adjustment is explicitly not supposed to suffer from hunger. Losing weight is usually pretty easy. If you are overweight with PCOS and you're a few kilos lost (5% to 10% of your body weight) than the eisprongen come back.

Movement (especially breakfast) is always good and important
If you need to lose weight is enough exercise is very important. Quite apparent move effectively for your first meal (or move fasted). Half an hour before moving your breakfast makes your metabolism remains elevated for hours later. In addition, each type of exercise properly. Walking, running, rowing, cycling, swimming etc. Most prove effective sports in which you exercise your upper body and especially your arms. So, rowing and swimming are better than running or walking. Strength, for example exercises with a "kettlebell" or "planks" and "prints" works very well.

What more can you do?
Well employed in PCOS is also plenty of vitamin D3. There is considerable scientific research on its effectiveness. Increasing the level of vitamin D3 in the blood proves useful. If you at least half an hour comes in the sun is not every day in the summer, with bare skin and between 11 and 3 am, chances are your vitamin D3 levels are not high enough. Especially between October and April. You can take vitamin D3 supplement. Then take between 25 and 50 micrograms per day (1,000 to 2,000 IU), summer and winter.

There is also research into inositol. This dietary supplement is also known as vitamin B8. It was effective in women with PCOS and have children. They were often ovulation than women who took a placebo (placebo). This also applies to the means choline. Choline and inositol are often sold together in a supplement.

Do you mainly suffer from an excess of male hormone, try flaxseed. Use two tablespoons daily. Buy unbroken (so very linseed) and grind it yourself in a mortar, which works best. Under the influence of flaxseed makes your body a protein that binds an excess of male hormones in your blood. A related hormone has no effect.

There are also certain herbs that can have a beneficial effect on PCOS. These herbs promote the decomposition of (excess) hormones in the liver. Think of broccoli sprout extract, Curcuma longa (turmeric), milk thistle (do not use in pregnancy desire). Broccoli contains a high concentration of the drug DIM (di-indolylmethane). DIM promotes the metabolism of hormones.

Treatment of PCOS in mainstream medicine
In women without gestational desire is necessary to ensure that the uterine lining grows not too thick. This is to prevent heavy periods. These women are advised to take the pill or to place an Mirena IUD. Women seeking pregnancy is usually advised to lose weight. A low-calorie diet low in fat turns thereby less effective than diet with a normal amount of calories, which is high in protein and carbohydrates.

A gynecologist or fertility doctor may suggest treatment with clomiphene. Clomiphene is a kind of anti-hormone in tablet form that only needs to be taken a few days a month. 80% of the women who get clomiphene will have an ovulation. Half of them is pregnant. If clomiphene does not work is transferred to a treatment with hormones to be injected. This often takes longer for an ovulation occurs and the likelihood of more eisprongen is simultaneously increased. There is more chance of having twins and multiple pregnancy. There is also a small chance of a serious complication; the "overstimulation syndrome". Sometimes there is also provided a medicine that prevents insulin resistance, the anti-diabetic agent "Metformin '. A disadvantage of fertility treatment by a gynecologist or fertility doctor is that you lose control over your body. You must often undergo an ultrasound and you have to love on command.

As a hormone therapy does not work there can be an exploratory operation well - laparoscopy - be done, which vesicles are pierced to your ovaries surface. This therapy is called 'LEO'. This can cause a shift in hormone balancing act which ovulation is possible again.

Consequences of PCOS in the longer term
Even if you do not wish to become pregnant but the symptoms of insulin resistance and PCOS, then fighting them very desirable diet modification (and supplements). Women with PCOS have a much higher risk of diabetes (type 2 diabetes), pregnancy diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and hormone-sensitive cancers such as cervical cancer.

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