
Sunday 1 May 2016

Essential fatty acids help with PMS and PCOS.

Essential fatty acids are fatty acids that can not produce itself the body from other fatty acids, while the body she needs to function normally. This means that they must be ingested through food.

There are two essential fatty acids, namely alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid. The Alfa-linolenic acid occurs only in a few oils in relatively large quantities, in which the most well-known is linseed oil (about 57% alpha-linolenic). Less good sources are: walnut oil (approximately 10%), safflower oil (10%) and hemp oil (1-4%). The Linoleic acid is, inter alia, in safflower oil (about 75%), sunflower oil (approximately 65%) and soybean oil (about 50%) for.

These two fatty acids can not be synthesized in the body because of the absence of enzymes, which are necessary for the synthesis of these fatty acids. From alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid the body can synthesize two groups of longer and more unsaturated fatty acids: omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, respectively.
PMS symptoms
PMS is a combination of symptoms that occur during the second half of the menstrual cycle and disappear when the new cycle begins. These symptoms recur each month, according to a fixed pattern. There are more than 150 symptoms associated with PMS, but the most common are: irritability, tension, swollen breasts, bloating, depression, mood swings, compulsive appetite and headache.

11 APRIL 2011 | NDN | Essential fatty acids are found to be effective in PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and P.C.O.S (polycystic ovarian syndrome).

40% of women seek medical help to alleviate the monthly symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS is even seen in girls before their first menstruation, but normally PMS is diagnosed in women in their childbearing years. It has been found that hormonal changes affect the reduction or worsening of PMS. Personal circumstances such as puberty, pregnancy, taking oral contraceptives, sterilization and menopause can also have an effect on the degree of PMS.
What are the causes of PMS?
Usually, the most common form of PMS is attributed to an excessive presence of the hormone estrogen, and a deficiency of the hormone progesterone during the pre-menstrual phase. In a few cases, however, is just too low concentration of estrogen causes. The ratio and the balance of these two important hormones determine the occurrence of PMS. The production of these hormones is dependent on the occurrence of prostaglandins.

A prostaglandin is a hormone-like substance which is active at the local level in the regulation of a physiological process. The body uses the fatty acids from the power supply among other things, as raw material for the production of these prostaglandins, and other related hormone-like substances such as thromboxanes, leukotrienes and prostacyclins. Just the prostaglandins have so far discovered more than 50 different species. These can be divided into three different main groups (PGE1, PGE2 and PGE3). A disruption of the ratio of the production of these three groups can change the production of sex hormones and thereby cause menstrual symptoms.
Borrageolie (GLA) helps with PMS
A study of fatty acids 120 women took part. 40 of them received only a placebo, 40 a capsule with 1 gram of fatty acids and 40 women used the fatty acids with two capsules per day. The used include fatty acid per gram of capsules 210 mg of GLA (gamma-linolenic acid), 175 mg oleic acid, 345 mg of linoleic acid, 250 mg of other polyunsaturated fatty acids and 20 mg of vitamin E (a fatty acid composition of borage oil). Participants in the study used the preparations for 180 days (6 months). During the study, the women completed daily an extensive questionnaire to determine the severity of the symptoms.
Fewer complaints after using GLA
Both after 3 and 6 months were found women who had used the fatty acids have significantly fewer symptoms than the placebo group, the best results were obtained with the highest dose (2 grams per day). There was no direct influence on hormone levels (prolactin) found during the study. The researchers kept prostaglandin E1, which is indirectly formed from gamma-linolenic acid, responsible for these beneficial effects. Intake of borage oil, together with vitamin E, may be an important and effective tool for PMS.
Factors that may interfere with the production of prostaglandins from fatty acids include:
- pill
- Coffee, tea and other stimulants
- Stress (physical and mental, by the presence of adrenaline, cortisol)
- Foreign, harmful substances (chemical pollution, additives, trans fatty acids)
- Excess of the alcohol, sugar
- Abnormal blood sugar levels (diabetes, sugar)
- Drug use (especially hormonal preparations, immunosuppresoren)
- aging
- Radiation (X-ray, non-ioniserende-, electromagnestische-, UV and other radiations)
- Deficiencies of certain nutrients (such as magnesium, zinc, chromium, various types such as vitamin B 6 B and B 3, vitamin C)
What food helps with PMS?
Your daily diet should mainly of vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, legumes and volko¬ren products exist. Also, fatty fish, such as herring, sardines, mackerel and salmon are excellent foods. The polyunsaturated fatty acids found in these foods are essential to enable the body to make the important prostaglandins type I (PGE 1). Food that you should avoid: all sugary products (including honey), salt, coffee, pork, animal fats, hydrogenated fats, margarine, all baked and fried foods and alcohol.

These foods, especially saturated fats
, stimulate the production of prostaglandins type II (PGE2), which have a very unfavorable influence on the hormone balance. Poultry provided come from biodynamic or ecological businesses (ie hormone-free) is permitted.
Read more in the PDF below this article.
Omega 3 with polycystic ovary syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition where there is an increased concentration of male sex hormones in the blood, which is associated with an absent ovulation and thus infertility. of insulin resistance, there is often also involved and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes PCOS arrives at 5-10% of women of child-bearing age.

In a study was to look at the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood and the ratio between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. It was found that women with a higher ratio omega-6 / omega-3 fatty acids had more male hormones in the blood. Moreover, a lower amount of omega-3 fatty acids was associated with a worse lipids (fats) in the blood profile.

A portion of the test subjects used 4 grams of fish oil daily for 6 weeks,
containing 1.9 grams of omega-3 fatty acids (1,266 mg EPA and 633 mg DHA). It was found that in this relatively short time, the amount of available testosterone decreased clearly in the blood, with the greatest decline occurred in subjects who had a high ratio of omega-6 / omega-3 fatty acids. Taking extra omega-3 fatty acids might help to reduce the increasing levels of male sex hormones in women with PCOS.
Stress, high cortisol and insulin resistance
Chronic stress, with a high cortisol levels and labile blood sugars, gives effects to the brains. The glucose level is reduced in the brains, there is a negative effect on the neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, GABA, acetylcholine) and it can lead to death of brain cells.

Chronic stress with a high cortisol levels also has an effect on the emotions in that noradrenaline is decreased in the limbic system. This system controls the emotions. Disruption can lead to depression, anxiety and malaise. A high cortisol levels also has an effect on brain waves, thus reducing inter alia, concentration and learning performance. The brains take the vast majority of the blood used on their behalf. A high cortisol levels and high blood glucose levels provide for an overproduction of insulin. And meditation can help to restore the disturbed balance a good diet.
Low carnitinespiegel in PCOS
In women without overweight with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) decreased carnitinespiegel possibly related to hyperandrogenism and insulin resistance. This comes from a study of 27 female patients and a control group of 30 healthy women of similar age and weight. In all women, the concentrations of cholesterol, fasting glucose, insulin and other hormones (gonadotropins and androgens), and a total of L-carnitine determined. In addition, with the aid of the HOMA-IR (Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance) has made an estimate of insulin resistance.

In these women with PCOS were, compared to the healthy women, clearly higher blood values ​​measured. These were high blood values ​​for different androgens, luteinizing hormone (LH), LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and fasting insulin. Also, they had a higher insulineresisitentie and the LH concentration was in proportion to the concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) higher. The concentrations of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), and also the total L-carnitine clearly showed lower values ​​in the PCOS women.

A link has been demonstrated between the L carnitinespiegel, concentrations of free androgens and SHBG. As the L-carnitinespiegel was higher, this resulted in a lower concentration of free androgens and a higher concentration of SHBG. SHBG concentration appears to be a good predictor for the L-carnitine blood.
N-acetylcysteine ​​in PCOS
PCOS affects about 10% of women of childbearing age. The condition usually comes to light when doctors examine the cause of infertility or irregular ovulation. A study shows that supplementation with N-acetylcysteine ​​(NAC) shows several improvements, including more frequent ovulation. Scientists from the University of Tehran treated 46 women with a NAC supplement or a placebo for six weeks.

The researchers reported NAC supplementation led to frequent monthly ovulations. Due to the make-up, there were also significant reductions in weight, BMI and the relationship between waist and hip circumference observed. In addition, decreased the fasting blood sugar levels and the concentrations of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and HOMA-IR (a measure of the insulin resistance) in the blood.

Meanwhile, the concentration of HDL-cholesterol increased, but no changes were observed in the concentrations of the female sex hormones. High concentrations of male sex hormones (hyperandrogenism) inhibit oocyte maturation in women, says study leader. The results suggest that NAC protects the eggs in the ovaries.

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