
Tuesday 10 May 2016

Obesity stomach surgery - sort of back files

Stomach surgery for obesity can be roughly divided into two types of operations: the restrictive and malabsorbtieve operations. Both operations are performed through keyhole surgery. So you have only a few small incisions in your abdomen. Other advantages of this method are that there is less chance of complications that you experience less pain after surgery and you recover more quickly from surgery.

Restrictive surgery

In a restrictive surgery is the amount you can eat is limited. Examples of restrictive surgeries are gastric banding, gastric bypass or gastric bypass (combination of restrictive and malabsorbtief) and the so-called sleeve- stomach reduction. By a restrictive gastric surgery go eat less and your appetite decreases faster. It may begin to lose weight. This is of course not easy. After all, is nothing but wondering if you eat less. It is important that you stick to some rules of life after surgery. Only then the effect is greatest.

Rules after a restrictive surgery:

Do not exceed six meal times in one day. A restrictive surgery ensures that you're faster. The full feeling, however, falls within 20 minutes again. The danger is that you do not have all day by small amounts should sit down to eat, because you eat too much.
Do not drink during meals and try other drinking occasions as little as possible to consume alcohol or sugary drinks.
Try calorie diet to mitigate as much as possible. In consultation with a dietitian can compose an appropriate diet.

Malabsorbtieve operations

Malabsorbtieve operations ensure that the food will be less consumed. An example of a malabsorbtieve operation is the duodenal switch or the Biliopancreatic deviation according to Scopinaro. A malabsorbtieve operation is performed only in people whose obesity takes life-threatening (usually with a BMI of over 60). These operations therefore work to some degree by itself: even if you eat more, it is not all consumed. This also means that essential nutrients and vitamins less be included.

Stomach operation and the effect on diabetes

A consequence of obesity is an increasing risk of developing type two diabetes. A stomach operation is known to have a beneficial effect on the development of type two diabetes. When you have type two diabetes, there is a risk of about 50 percent that you have less or no medication / insulin need after surgery. In a gastric bypass this opportunity can be up to 84 percent. How to explain these effects are read in the section stomach surgery for obesity result. General regimen for postoperative here.

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