
Monday 9 May 2016

Mattress pad advice prone sleeping position

Lying on the stomach is bad for the back and neck. The spine is heavily burdened by the rotation of the head (see picture).

Not only a major burden on the neck but also the lower back has an excessive erosion. Even though sleep belly sleepers without a pillow, the rotation of the spine can cause neck and headaches or hold it in position. If you yesterday was sleeping on the abdomen, today try to select another position to avoid problems! Ask your therapist about it later.

General advice and information sleeping position

Yawn, yawn, yawn ... You'll spend almost a third of your life! Not only is it quite tiring if you stop here, can also sleep an enormous strain on your back and neck. A good posture is essential in order to properly distribute the pressure on the joints. My Exercise We explain what you should pay attention to sleep and what attitude suits you.

With the proper sleeping position for the body, it is of great importance that the backbone retains its natural curvature. To understand why you need to be in a certain position, we must first know how our spine is made. The spine consists of 24 vertebrae, a sacrum and coccyx (see picture below).

The spine has a typical S-curve, which takes in the first years of our lives. For example, the neck and the lower back has a typical curve hollowed. The middle back, however, has a convex curve. The spine has the day but heavy. During the day we should as much as possible keep the spine in its natural curvature, otherwise there will be too much pressure on the spine, which can cause problems. The correct lifting a pot to sit on the right behind the desk.

It is all important to our back and neck to sparen.Voor the night is exactly the same even then there can be too much pressure on the joints if not adopted a position.

It is therefore important that you have good sleeping posture by which you normally takes and whether it can be bad for you. At my practice, we discuss separately the side-lying, supine and prone position and the pillow and mattress. My Exercise can not brand mattress and / or pillows advise seen everyone reacts uniquely to a mattress or pillow.

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