
Sunday 8 May 2016


The Australian Kayla It sines is extremely popular because of its e-book Bikini Body Guides. She has three million followers on her Instagram account. train, inspire and motivate is what she likes best. Five questions to these fitness guru.

Aranka of #FITGIRLCODE suggested Kayla It sines behalf GezondheidsNet five questions.

1. How did you get inspired to make the Bikini Body Guide?
"I've been away from my eighteenth personal trainer and when I asked what she wanted to achieve my clients was not a perfect body. They would mainly feel comfortable in a bikini. Here comes the name Bikini Body Guide from."

2. Do you think you without Instagram could be so famous?
"No, I owe much of my success to social media. If I had wanted to do this twenty years ago, I had never seen so many people can achieve."

3. Who motivates you?
"I am motivated by my fans and followers on my Instagram account. When I started I had nothing, I've been my inspiration. I saw the progression pictures motivating my clients, so I have this front and nafoto's put on Instagram, to inspire people. "

4. Is a bikini body like yours feasible for everyone?
"How do you look like you're fit and healthy for everyone else. Tastes differ very much, one finds muscled not good, the other does. I focus therefore much progression pictures, because if you the difference after seeing a couple of weeks, you will see how fit will look for you. "

5. What is with you on the menu?
"Because I am,
I'm Greek accustomed to good food with lots of spices and my guide that could also just. I do not just dry rice with chicken and vegetables. I've tried it, but it just works for me not. for that, I am also fond of tiramisu anyway. "

Kayla It sines began in 2008 as a personal trainer. In her fitness program, included in the e-book, she shows women train three to four times a week, up to 28 minutes. She promises results within twelve weeks.

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