
Sunday 8 May 2016

The best abdominal exercises From roll of fat to abs

Turn on the TV and all kinds of wonderful products abdominal flying around your ears. According to the advertising, these devices ensure that you will soon have a six-pack. In only three to five minutes per day. Makkie so?

It all sounds very appealing. Losing weight without starving yourself or for hours sweating on a treadmill. Sometimes even just have a lap belt to do or deal with electrodes going and you just keep yourself on the couch.

How do you get or a six-pack?
Users are, however, often soon discover that your belly is thinking just as easily and simply hangs. It is impossible to be just to let your belly thinner. If you reduce weight, the fat disappears namely everywhere; most of the fat disappears, where the majority is.

To slim down effectively and create a flat stomach, you need more than five minutes training per day. A healthy diet with lots of water, fruit and fiber, combined with regular and regular exercise is the way to get that flat stomach.

Good abdominal workout also provides not only a contribution to your figure, but also improves your posture. A strong stomach relieves the lower back and thereby improves posture. Just do it so that abdominal exercises.

Getting started: abdominal exercise
Lie on your back and keep your lower back slightly concave. Mount a rolled up towel under your lower back. Place your hands on your ears with your elbows pointing inward.

Most people fold their hands behind their heads and go put on their head in order to attract them back to the ground. But it does not naturally belong.

A basic rule is that the hands must not touch each other behind the head. It is best to place the fingers on the sides of the head and to use it only as a support for the neck muscles.

Now bring your left something off the ground, so your elbow inwards. Without pulling or moving forward on your head. Repeat this exercise with your right shoulder.

The Ab Roller can run a more controlled abdominal training. This exercise has the same effect as the above exercise, only your neck being supported.

Sit in the Ab Roller, preferably on a soft but firm surface. Put your feet on the floor, your knees are bent. Put both hands fingertips on the upper bar.

Slowly take a short forward movement and move slowly back. Hold this tension on the abs and so do not go all the way back into standby. Repeat several times. If you go upstairs, you exhale. If you go down, your breath.

Leg lift
Lie on your back and keep your lower back slightly concave. Mount a rolled up towel under your lower back. The legs together a little bit. Legs Lower and repeat. Try to touch the ground anymore.

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