
Saturday 2 January 2016

Finally, you're pregnant! Sperm and egg have officially merged into one single cell, called a zygote. Inside that cell, a lot is going on. Chromosomes from you and your partner are combining to decide your baby's gender, hair, and eye color — even his or her budding personality! As the zygote speeds down the fallopian tubes toward the uterus, it will keep dividing. Two cells will become four, four will become eight, and so on. These cells will eventually create every organ in your baby's body.
Now that the embryo has attached to the wall of your uterus, the real work begins. Cells are dividing that will create all of your baby's organs. A fluid-filled cushion called the amniotic sac is forming. It will surround and protect your baby while he or she grows. Attached to it will be the yolk sac, which will feed baby in these early weeks. Your baby may be big enough to see on ultrasound now, but just barely. He or she is smaller than a grain of rice.
You still might not recognize your baby yet. At this stage, he or she looks like a tiny collection of tubes. But those tubes have important purposes! One tube is forming a brain and spinal cord. Another is developing into baby's heart. Tiny buds on either side of the body will grow into arms and legs. As your baby keeps growing, you might feel the first twinges of pregnancy symptoms, such as sore breasts, morning sickness, and the constant urge to

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