
Saturday 2 January 2016

Ba-bum, ba-bum. It's way too quiet for you to hear, but your baby's tiny heart has started to beat. That heart sits inside a body that's now almost 1/2-inch long from the top of the head to the rump — about as wide as a pencil eraser. Baby still looks like a tadpole but that won't last for long. Human features are starting to emerge, including two eyes that come complete with lids. The lungs and digestive system are also starting to branch out, forming the organs that will help your baby breathe and eat in just a few months.

Even though you're only in your second month, your baby's body is already forming every organ it will need — including the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, and intestines. Buds are sprouting from baby's growing arms. Right now they look like paddles, but eventually they'll form hands and feet. Your baby is attached to you by an umbilical cord. Through this connection, you'll provide food, and filter away your baby's wastes until you deliver.

You might not look pregnant yet, but you probably feel it! If the morning sickness hasn't set in, you're at least feeling more tired than usual. Inside your uterus, your baby is developing at a rapid pace. In fact, he or she has officially graduated from embryo to fetus! If you peeked inside right now, you'd see the beginnings of a face on your bean-sized baby. You could make out two eyes, a nose, ears, and an upper lip. Your baby's body is also starting to straighten out.

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