
Saturday 6 August 2016


. HOW TO INCREASE TESTOSTERONE LEVEL natural way? We have all heard and know about testosterone. We know that this is the main male hormone, but also the main hormone for muscle growth. Without it, man would not be muscular and strong. However, the amount of testosterone which generates our body is insufficient to substantially increase muscle mass. We need to raise the level of testosterone. In this article we will talk about the natural ways to increase testosterone and maintain its required level. We have all heard and know about testosterone. We know that this is the main male hormone, but also the main hormone for muscle growth. Without it, man would not be muscular and strong. However, the amount of testosterone which generates our body is insufficient to substantially increase muscle mass. We need to raise the level of testosterone. In this article we will talk about the natural ways to increase testosterone and maintain its required level. Products that increase testosterone. The first thing to change the diet. Testosterone is synthesized from the air, it requires minerals and vitamins. As we know, vitamins and minerals the body itself does not produce, they come only from the outside. Therefore, you should include in your diet: seafood, meats, nuts, fruit, fish, vegetables. With seafood and nuts we get a major mineral, the main building of testosterone element - zinc. Without it, testosterone is simply impossible, therefore, should be compulsory to provide your body with excess zinc. Zinc is the main mineral of testosterone synthesis, but not unique. Actively take part in the synthesis of calcium, magnesium and selenium. Meat is necessary since it contains animal fat, and they in turn are the source of cholesterol. Cholesterol is important for testosterone, without the synthesis is impossible, since it is the basis. Therefore, when the set weight there is nothing wrong in the fact that an athlete is gaining a little fat. It will only benefit, but you can always fold excess. Let's not forget about vitamins. Vegetables and fruits are our faithful helpers in this matter. Vitamins take an active part not only in the synthesis of testosterone, they are essential for normal body functioning and full health. If we consider separately taken vitamin group, Vitamin E, for example, does not participate in the synthesis and protects the testosterone molecule of decay, which is important. About nutrition we talked. However, not all may sound so rosy. Due to many environmental problems and poor quality of food and water, many people may be allergic to certain products from the list. Maybe just not possible to constantly have these products on hand and use them constantly. To ignore such a fact and they should not be neglected.

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