
Saturday 6 August 2016

Antihistamine and testosterone Antihistamine can affect testosterone

 Antihistamine and testosterone Antihistamine can affect testosterone synthesis in some different aspects. It is important for men to maintain endogenous (internally synthesized) as they age testosterone levels. Doing so may help inhibit androgynous (male menopause), sarcophagi (muscle wasting due to age) and decreased overall physical performance capacity. Testosterone is a steroid hormone androgen. Androgen are compounds that promote and adapt to the development and maintenance of masculine traits. Steroids are compounds with specific molecular structures containing four rings 6 carbons exerted influences on organ systems throughout the body. Like all steroid hormones, testosterone is synthesized by cholesterol. Cholesterol has a similar molecular structure, also contains four rings. It has been shown to increase certain fatty acids in the diet can help boost natural testosterone synthesis. These include MU-FA (monounsaturated fatty acids), POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS (PUFA) and saturated fats. It has also been shown to decrease saturated fats in the diet is associated with decreased serum testosterone levels. How astaxanthin increases testosterone Astaxanthin in testosterone may be related to certain cardioprotective properties inducing. It has been shown to help lower LDL-C (cholesterol low density lipoprotein, LDL "bad"). It also shows positive effects for reducing serum triglycerides and raising HDL-C ( "good cholesterol"). Astaxanthin are naturally inhibiting an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase (5AR). pharmaceutical agents that inhibit 5AR can cause increases in testosterone. However, 5Drogas inhibitors of AR are associated with higher risk of developing prostate cancer of high grade and other serious conditions. Some suggest that astaxanthin can be a safe, natural way to increase testosterone levels without risk of serious side effects. Astaxanthin can also inhibit the enzyme aromatase. This enzyme converts testosterone to estradiol. Estradiol is an important form of estrogen (female hormone). If testosterone is converted to estradiol excessively, then gynecomastia (male breast growth) or other undesirable effects may develop. Excessive levels of estrogen in men can also cause signs of "estrogen dominance" which can result in weight gain, changes in mood, acne and other side effects. Astaxanthin and dihydrotestosterone Astaxanthin has also been reported to reduce levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is the active form of testosterone. Among other effects, it promotes prostate growth. Increase DHT levels are associated with enlarged prostate in aging men. However, some argue that the positive effects of astaxanthin on testosterone levels refuses because it blocks the conversion active DHT. In studies, astaxanthin has been found to increase serum testosterone levels in men, preventing them from becoming dihydrotestosterone.

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