
Wednesday 11 May 2016

What is sciatica?

Institute D & C »What is sciatica?

Sciatica is a radiating nerve pain in the buttock and / or leg. The pain is caused by an irritation or inflammation of one or more nerve roots at the place where source, those nerve roots of the spinal cord.

In bilregio coming five nerve roots from the lower back and sacrum together and then form along the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs from the buttocks through the hind leg to the calf and then to the foot. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve of the body.

Sciatica? Make an appointment

What are the characteristics of sciatica?
The main feature of sciatica is a radiating pain into one leg or buttock. Sciatica ranges from a light nagging pain in the buttocks to severe stabbing pain in the buttocks and leg. Sciatica often starts worsens in the buttocks and when illness, the pain spreads to the thigh and then to the calf and toes.

Next leg pain can also experience other symptoms such as numbness or tingling in the leg, foot or toes. Also, many people experience muscle cramps in the leg. Very occasionally, the pain radiates to two legs, but in most cases people experience pain in one leg.

After the onset of sciatica, many people struggle to change attitudes for example, if you've been sitting for a while and you want to get up. Often move painfully. Are also long is painful especially in the car. Coughing, sneezing and sudden movements can also be very painful in the leg or in the back. Household chores such as length of time in the kitchen or ironing, strolling in the city and bending, lifting, gardening cycling against the wind can aggravate the radiating pain.

What is the cause of sciatica
The cause of sciatica is an irritation or inflammation of one or more nerve roots at the place where these branch out of the spinal cord nerve roots. By an acute dislocation of spine as a serious spit, but also with long-term back pain can become inflamed or irritated nerve roots by swelling and / or structural changes in the intervertebral discs.

Intervertebral discs are composed of a soft gel-like core (nucleus pulposus), which is surrounded by rigid rings of cartilage (the annulus fibrosus). The gel-like soft inner core of the intervertebral disc provides cushioning of the spine and the stiff cartilage rings provide for the stability of the spine. Intervertebral discs may disrupt acute like a spit. As a result, there occurs a crack or crack in the back of an intervertebral disc. In a fierce spit this is accompanied by an inflammatory response which also gets irritated nerve root. Many people experience back pain that rapidly decrease but continues the pain radiating into the buttocks or leg. Maintain a nagging pain in the lower back is often a signal for an onset of sciatica. In this case, sciatica develops gradually to. A prolonged overload on the intervertebral discs or by aging of intervertebral discs is less room for the exiting nerve roots occur causing irritation or inflammation.

How is sciatica?
Sciatic pain is called radicular pain. That means that the pain runs over nerve branches of the sciatic nerve in the buttock, and the leg or foot. Due to the specific localization of the pain can consider a therapist or doctor at any level of the spine, there occurs an irritation or inflammation.

But also ask questions in an interview (this is called "history"), one can determine whether a person has sciatica. The diagnosis of sciatica and hernia are sometimes confused because the symptoms are quite similar.

What should I do if I have sciatica?
In severe and persistent symptoms
Most importantly, it is viewed that make sciatic pain. So bring on sciatic complaints always consult your doctor. The GP will, following its findings in history and physical examination, to determine what should be taken for further steps.

For less severe symptoms, you will be prescribed painkillers and advised to try to keep moving.

Fortunately, most back pain naturally proceed. You will be with painkillers, rest and responsibly the move back problems are the boss. To minimize back pain in the future, it is important to:

To ensure a good body weight.
to have a good condition.
The muscles to keep active.
take enough rest and relaxation.
Well supported, but not to sit too long (get up every 20 minutes just to move).
If you have to stand in between to sit down long.
Not too heavy to lift. If you must lift sack than the knees, keep your back straight and keep the load close to the body.
Rotate your feet and not your back.
Buk as little as possible, but always bag your knees.
Try moving and resumed as normal as possible, as this is the normal activities within pain limits. Most people can function normally again after 1-2 weeks
It is wise to go to the doctor with sciatica. The pain may be associated with a hernia or with a narrowing of the spinal canal (the syndrome of Verbiest). The doctor will often recommend both rest and exercise. It is also wise not heavy lifting for a while. He will also prescribe painkillers and in very severe fall give an injection. If the pain disappears and then creates numbness in the leg or if your urine becomes incontinent you must notify at least the (family) doctor.

Sciatica is a normal?
Yes, 1 to 2 times per year is common; regardless of age.
Explanation: Almost everyone has suffered from back pain. It is sometimes claimed that 80 percent of the adult population once get short of his back. Often people have only recently canceled. Also, it is known that 60% of these people will experience a relapse. Spit so happens very regularly.

Do I need a treatment for Sciatica?
Not really. Only if the symptoms persist for two weeks or longer.
Institute at D & C, we treat patients with persistent sciatica back pain with exercise therapy. Which is a combination of rugspierversterkende exercises and posture and movement advice. The rugspierversterkende exercises develop our patients actually strong back muscles. From experience we know that rugspierkracht alone is not sufficient to structurally reduce back pain or prevent. That's why movement and posture advice part of the exercise at the Institute D & C. Thus, our patients learn to use their strong back muscles in everyday life and you are less likely to spit. That's not to say we do not pay attention to pain. At first we deal with the worst pain eg massage, but our ATV to spit about him especially in preventing regular spit.

What can help further?
People can do a lot to sciatica. Some people benefit from cooling, heating or massaging the painful area. It is also important to try to keep moving, a little pain can thereby no harm but can give advice doctor for severe pain. It is also advisable not to lift too heavy.

Live with
Pain is annoying and can affect the mood and functioning of people. It is generally not hurt to continue with this condition at work and on the move. However, certain activities can be difficult, it is advisable to consult in this case with the company. It is generally favorable for the recovery to continue to go to work, and to adapt the work temporarily. Failing that, it is advisable to keep in touch with colleagues and managers.

It is convenient to make an appointment before any sick leave with the company. Someone who does not report sick, can also make an appointment with the company or the company nurse to discuss problems at work. Perhaps it is possible to continue to work with minor adjustments. Information about the occupational health clinic can be obtained from the Health and Safety Service or the employer.

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