
Tuesday 10 May 2016

Stomach surgery after obesity surgery

Gastric bypass surgery is a major operation. You have therefore just need time to recover. At least the first week after the surgery you have to stomach yet completely healed. To avoid dangerous secondary bleeding or other complications occur, you may only liquid diet the first week.

The second week you can feed and ground from the third week you should try solid foods. Also you get after surgery medications designed to prevent complications. Nevertheless, you can still experience some symptoms.

Complaints after the operation

The most common complaints in the first year include fatigue and hair loss. This is due to the rapid weight loss. The symptoms disappear usually automatically if weight loss is slower after six to twelve months. More exercise and pay close attention to the protein in your diet can help, see note below precepts of the page.

Surplus skin
As a result of drastic weight loss, many people after stomach surgery suffer from excess skin on the arms, legs, neck and abdomen. Usually we wait a year before can be done about this.

Suddenly starting up again of the menstrual cycle
Obese people often notice that their menstrual cycle is lost. If they lose weight after surgery, it may be that this cycle again automatically gets going. Pay attention to contraception. It is indeed generally advised not to touch the first two years after a stomach operation pregnant, because the fast weight loss can also have harmful effects on your baby.

Precepts handle after surgical operation is not a panacea

Gastric bypass surgery is a good tool to get rid of your severe obesity. In order to get a lower body weight, but is also a change of lifestyle is necessary. Here you can follow some rules of life:

Care shortly after surgery that you drink enough fluids. Especially in the first days after surgery, you often have a lack of hunger and thirst. However, it is important that you get enough fluids in order to prevent dehydration. And to ensure you do not get constipation or bowel movement is difficult.
Make sure you have enough daily exercise.
Provide regular and healthy diet. Make sure you get enough protein (especially after a sleeve- stomach reduction). With a lack of protein can include muscle wasting, with fatigue and reduced resistance or diarrhea. A serious shortage of proteins can have liver damage. Proteins are only to record from your diet. They can not be processed into tablets. Usually it is a modification of the diet is sufficient to solve the shortage. Protein products are fish, meat, egg, chicken and dairy products.
Stop smoking. It is best to stop all the operation with smoking and to continue this after the operation.
Also you can make life continue to have follow-up care in the form of checks in the hospital and support specialists, regular blood tests and taking extra food depends on the type of stomach surgery you have had.

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