
Sunday 8 May 2016

What is abdominal pain?

The abdomen is the area that begins just below the ribcage and ends at the pubic area and groin. If you have pain in that area, then we speak of abdominal pain.

Abdominal pain can occur at different places in the abdomen:

Upper abdomen, below the belly, around the navel, or in your side or flanks.
Sometimes abdominal pain blurred throughout the entire abdomen. The pain may move from one place to another in the abdomen, while at other times you can identify exactly where the pain is.
The pain may be accompanied by other symptoms:

Radiation to the spine, sternum, groin or legs.
Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, or pain when urinating.
Vigorously bubbling in the belly.
The stomach can be as hard as a board, striking knocking or banging.
Sometimes abdominal pain more tolerable if you are very still sitting or lying down, but it could also be that the pain you are just forced to move. It then unable to sit still.

What can you do with abdominal pain?

Abdominal pain is often itself within a few days. you yourself still take some action depending on the cause of abdominal pain:

For stomach complaints is important to calmly eat and chew well. Take the time for a meal and eat at set times. Do not eat too much fat and take small portions. Eat three hours before going to bed not. Eat high fiber and try to avoid alcohol, carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee. Try to lose weight in obesity.
Abdominal pain with diarrhea and nausea usually caused by an intestinal virus. Such a 'stomach flu' lasts three days. Because small children and elderly can easily dehydrate (70 plus) is particularly important for them to regularly something to keep drinking.
When abdominal pain with constipation, it is good to drink enough (1.5 to 2 liters per day), high fiber food and lots of movement (walking, cycling, sports).
Think of a bladder infection, let check your urine for general practice.
When menstrual pain rest and relaxation is important. Place a hot water bottle on your abdomen or take a warm bath. Some women feel that the pain is less after masturbation.
Medicines for stomach ache

By abdominal pain, you can take the best paracetamol. Take three to four times a day, one or two tablets of 500 milligrams.

In pain with movement urge, for example a kidney stone helps an NSAID well. Examples of NSAIDs are: naproxen, ibuprofen and diclofenac. NSAIDs often help too well against menstrual pain. Note: Please note that NSAIDs can give are sometimes just stomach pain. They can also influence the effect of other drugs. Do you have gastric, intestinal, cardiovascular, vascular or kidney problems? Are you older than 60? Do you use drugs? Or have you ever had an allergic reaction after an NSAID? Consult first with your doctor or pharmacist before taking an NSAID. Read more on NSAIDs.

Against stomach antacids or maagzuurbinders may well help.

By blockage help different medications:

psyllium or sterculiagom (powder or granules)
lactulose (syrup or powder packets) or polyethylene glycol (powder packets)
bisacodyl (tablet) or sennosides (syrup)
optionally a (micro) enema.
Do you have abdominal pain from a bladder infection? Then you get your doctor antibiotics for several days. Complete the course.

How it goes with abdominal pain?

Abdominal pain that comes from an intestinal virus is usually fast and spontaneously.
Abdominal pain with constipation often about when you eat fiber, drink enough and many moves and this long last. Sometimes medications are needed to remove the blockage.
When irritable bowel syndrome it is important that you occasionally your doctor will discuss how it goes. It is a chronic disease that can play an important role in social life and at work.
Abdominal pain by a gallstone or kidney stone may suddenly off again after a period of pain and then come back after a few weeks. Keep the pain will then be viewed in the hospital or there is reason for surgery (gallstone) or grind (stone).
An inflammation of the liver, such as hepatitis A, will pass. Hepatitis A can be transmitted through the feces. Therefore, always wash your hands.
In a pelvic inflammatory disease, you need antibiotics anyway. The course of infection is closely monitored.
A diverticulitis usually self-limiting. A Diverticulitis is an inflammation of a diverticulum. A diverticulum is a bulge in the large intestine. Until you can discuss with your GP complaints how it goes.
In an imminent miscarriage can usually wait no different during early pregnancy (less than 12 weeks). Keep in touch with your GP or midwife.
People with appendicitis or ectopic pregnancy should be rushed to the hospital.
Someone with a leaking abdominal aorta (aneurysm) must by ambulance to a hospital.
Chronic intestinal complaints are handled by the gastrointestinal liver diseases like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
If the abdominal pain is caused by a malignant disease (eg cancer) in the abdomen, then go to the hospital.

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