
Sunday 8 May 2016


A good tool to diagnose is keeping a headache diary. It hold the severity and frequency in the headache and any other associated symptoms. In addition, you keep daily track of the triggers you have come into contact, or you are taking medication, and what was its impact. Also, hormonal changes like menstruation please note.

Having regular pain affects daily life. To what extent is often dependent on the frequency and intensity of headaches. Some people have headaches once a week and be able to control it well with relaxation exercises or painkillers. Others have daily headaches and are quickly exhausted. Especially people who suffer from chronic tension headaches often have no energy to do more fun things in addition to their daily activities, such as sports.
Some people think that tension headaches and sports do not mix. However, sport can actually have a positive effect on headaches. Patients with chronic tension headaches are by their headaches and fatigue often fretful, listless or even depressed. For the environment is not always easy, especially if the patient therefore often have to cancel fun activities.

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