
Thursday 12 May 2016

Supplements for more energy

Many people think if they get tired quickly an extra cup of coffee or an energy drink. However, supplements for energy are much better.

Plant herbs that have medicinal and energy-promoting properties are accepted for centuries by indigenous peoples. Ancient cultures from China, India and Africa were using herbs as well as food and medicine. Today, people the value of herbal supplements in order to re-discover the energy and increase the vitality. The following natural supplements give a lot of extra energy.

1. Asian Ginseng
Asian ginseng, also known as Panax ginseng, has been used for centuries in many Asian countries to reduce energy and fatigue. Asian ginseng is often used to increase efficiency, physical strength and athletic endurance. Asian ginseng can be taken both as a tea, capsule or tablet form.

The reason that Asian ginseng operates is due to the active ingredients. The main components are the ginsenosides, this physical and intellectual performance are increased, it goes against the effects of stress, and increases energy. There are no fewer than 13 different ginsenosides in Asian ginseng. In addition, there are polysaccharides (these enhance the immune system) and panaxanen (this help lower blood sugar).

2. guarana
Guarana is a plant native to the Amazon region and is often used in many South American countries, especially Brazil. The fruit of a plant guarana is an effective energy booster, because it contains about twice as much caffeine per gram than coffee beans.

The reason that guarana works better than, for example, coffee is because guarana is gradually absorbed by the body. This means that people do not experience fluctuations in their energy levels. People are not suddenly "hyper", but notice that they have more energy, often up to eight hours longer that coffee.

Rhodiola root is used in traditional herbal medicine to combat fatigue, depression, anemia, and infections. It functions as an adaptogen, an adaptogen ensures that both mind and body can adapt to demanding situations. Hence Rhodiola root suits many people who are (too) many ask themselves every day.

4. Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B-3 or niacin is a member of the B complex family and is required in converting food you eat into energy. Vitamin B-3 is also necessary for the proper functioning of the endocrine and neurological system. Vitamin B-3 deficiency is rare, but even a slight deficiency is characterized by symptoms such as depression and fatigue, it is possible to eat foods rich in vitamin B-3, such as beets, fish and peanuts, but it is also a option to take niacin supplement.

5. Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps the body to produce energy. The body uses vitamin C in order to ensure that tissue can recover and grow in all parts of the body. Vitamin C is necessary for healthy development. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that prevents damage to the body by free radicals, free radicals are released when the body converts food into energy. Antioxidants can cause our bodies to create more efficient energy. The recommended daily intake of vitamin C is 75 to 90 milligrams per day. You should ingest each day as Vitamin C can not be absorbed by the body. Sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, potatoes, peppers, strawberries and tomatoes.

It is possible that people really have a medical problem causing fatigue is a constant problem. However, for most people, fatigue a problem that can be solved by adopting healthy habits.

There are three reasons that people may experience tiredness, medical, life, and psychological. Medical problems are often not easy to solve and people can often do little about it to avoid these problems. However, most lifestyle and psychological reasons, we can quite easily occur.

It WILL be doing - way of life
Of course it is not always easy to get enough sleep, maybe most people find it pleasant to drink a glass of extra wine or beer, and coffee without many people can make it difficult. The fact remains that fatigue for many people is not obvious. Just change the way of life and end it comes by itself again. Of course, everybody knows about that fast bite is not as good for the body as a fresh piece of fish or a salad. It's just important to eat healthy, getting enough sleep and enough to move.

It WILL be doing - psychological
Of course people can do nothing about when they are depressed, but for most people is about fatigue definitely avoid stress. This means better planning and occasionally just let something go. Of course that is not always easy and sometimes not even possible, but the fact is that most people can do a lot more than they do at present. Take the occasional time out for yourself.

It WILL be doing - Medical
It sounds strange, and for many people is a medical problem often not their fault, but most of the medical problems of fatigue can be addressed. Therefore, it is important not to stay too long walk with certain problems, make sure problems are addressed rather that you continue to run it.

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