
Thursday 12 May 2016

Unidad ACTIVITIES 1. Strengthening 11.Indica where in the digestive tract take place the following procesos.a) Pharynx. b) Boca. c) Stomach. d) intestine delgado.2.Anota teeth names mentioned in the dibujo.Comprobar the proper conduct of the activity with the illustration of the Book of alumno.3.Completa the following frase.La expulsion of waste substances is performed by the apparatus excretory, which consists of the urinary system and Glan-dulas sudoríparas.4.Escribe the name of the organs of the urinary system and indicates its función.Los kidneys: filter blood that reaches them. Eliminate toxic substances and blood return limpia.Los ureters carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder vejiga.La: orina.La stores urethra carries urine from the bladder to exterior.5.En the following sentence missing an apparatus . Write what is and explains its función.El circulatory system. Transports nutrients and oxygen throughout the body and collects waste substances that seoriginan in ellas.Unidad 1. Strengthening 21.Anota the names of the various parts of the apparatus digestivo.Comprobar the proper conduct of the activity book illustration the alumno.2.Relaciona the two columns by thin flechas.Intestino: tube about 7 m long, digestion, liver and pancreas ends and nutrients pass to the thick sangre.Intestino: water is absorbed and stools are formed fecales.3.Completa the following cuadro.4.Explica what the function of sweat and how our body apparatus is relacionado.La function of sweat is to regulate temperature and remove waste substances. It is related to device function excretor.Dientes Incisive Split and cut Canines Rend Breaking premolars and grinding Molares Shred

Unidad 2. Strengthening the name of the two phases of pulmonary respiration and explain what happens in each oneof them • Inspiration:. Inspiration in the lungs widen and air enters inside . • expiration: expiration in the lungs constrict and the air leaves the exterior.2.Anota the names of the organs of the respiratory system where corresponda.Comprobar the proper conduct of the activity with the illustration of the Book of alumno.3.¿ what are the functions of the circulatory system circulatory functions are: take the body nutrients from digestion and oxygen lospulmones and transporting waste substances to be expelled to exterior.4.Localiza in the soup letters parts of the circulatory system and escríbelas.Corazón, arteries, capillaries and venas.Unidad 2. Strengthening 21.Escribe these words in the order of air entering the nasal respiratorio.fosas apparatus - pharynx - larynx - trachea - bronchi - pulmones2.Cita the name of the main gases that make up the respiramos.Nitrógeno air, oxygen, carbon dioxide and hidrógeno.3.Anota the names of the organs of the circulatory system where corresponda.Comprobar the proper conduct of the activity with illustration Book of alumno.4.Explica the function of veins and arteries • veins. carry blood from the organs to the heart • arteries:. carry blood from the heart to other organs of cuerpo.5 .une by arrows each organ with the device which pertenece.Aparato respiratory: lung, larynx, bronchi, trachea and faringe.Aparato circulation: arteries, veins and heart.

Unidad 3. Strengthening 11.Escribe H or M depending on whether the following physical characteristics belong to men or to lasmujeres.H. Most body hair; M. wider hips; M. more developed Mamas; H. Voice over grave.2.Anota the names of the parts of the female reproductive tract that appear mentioned in elesquema. Check the proper conduct of the activity with the book drawing alumno.3.Completa the tabla.4.Marca with an X the false sentences. Then write them correctamente.Los testes produce espermatozoides.El cord despuésde is born bebé.Antes birth is cut, the fetus receives oxygen through the cord umbilical.Unidad 3. Strengthening 21.Pon where corresponding numbers and complete the frases.Comprobar the proper conduct of the activity with the book drawing alumno.Testículos: These are two organs that produce espermatozoides.Pene. Inside is the urethra, a tube that laorina and losespermatozoides.2.Escribe out the names of the female reproductive organs missing in siguientelista.Trompas tubes and vagina.3.Explica in which device is the fecundación.La fertilization is the union of an egg and a sperm in the fallopian Falopio.4.Anota the names of the parties named in the dibujo.Comprobar the proper conduct of the activity with the book drawing alumno.5.Describe the function of the amniotic sac, the placenta and the umbilical cord during embarazo.La amniotic sac protects the fetus. The placenta is an organ that is formed inside the mother's womb through delcual the fetus receives the nutrients it needs. The umbilical cord is a conduit through which pass nutrients and oxígenodesde the placenta to the apparatus feto.Órgano reproductorProduceMasculinotestículosespermatozoidesFemeninoovariosóvulos

Unidad 4. Strengthening 11.Relaciona the two columns by flechas.Proteínas - form the muscular.Lípidos mass - provide energy and protect organs against frío.Glúcidos - provide energy, but less than fats. vitamins and minerals - Involved in the operation of the system nervioso.2.Clasifica the following foods according to their origin • Animal origin: eggs, sausage and fish • vegetable origin: walnuts, bread and banana • mineral origin: salt and water... .3.Completa the table putting two examples of foods that contain the following sustanciasnutritivas.4.La plant fiber can not digest. Why then is it so important to include in the diet? Because it facilitates the progress of food through the digestive tract and prevents diseases like estreñimiento.5.Escribe three healthy habits related to alimentación.Respuesta type. A balanced diet, adequate breakfast and save some time off after cadacomida.Unidad 4. Strengthening 21.Señala the difference between food and nutrient. Foods are the products we eat, while nutrients are components of the alimentos.2.Indica in which foods we find the following nutrients • Protein:. Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products • Lipids:. Oil, margarine and butter • Carbohydrates:. bread, potatoes, rice and legumes • vitamins and minerals. verduras.Sustancias nutritivasEjemplosProteínas fruits and meats and fish Lipids olives and nuts carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals fruits and vegetables Carbohydrates, fats and oils and chocolate Carbohydrates sweet potatoes and pasta


Cuál is the meaning of the following statements? A) means containing all nutritivas.b substances) it means that we must take a variety of foods and to provide us with substances that our body needs adequate amounts inthe .4.Explica which represent these images and why are saludables.a habits) is washing hands. It is a healthy habit because dirt hands there microbes that can cau-Sarnos enfermedades.b) is washing teeth. It is a healthy habit because that development caries.Unidad 5. Strengthening 11.Indica a feature of each of the following groups of living things • Animals are avoided. They can move and feed on plants and other living things •. plants: Do not move and can make their own food • Fungi:.. Do not move and feed on the remains of other living beings • Microbes: for microscopio.2.Señala need to see which group they belong to these beings vivos.a )Mushrooms; b) Plants; c) Animals; d) Microbes or microorganismos.3.Escribe V if the sentences are true and F if they are false. Then corrects falsas.F, V, V, phrases F.Los fungi reproduce by spores. Yeasts are fungi very pequeños.4.Ordena the pieces of this puzzle, starting with the highlighted phrase, to compose two frasessobre microbes. After escríbelas.Los microbes are so small that you need a microscope to see them. Some cause disease and others, however, are beneficiosos.Unidad 5. Strengthening 21.Rodea living beings belonging to the same group as the código.Rojo. Animals: chicken, snail and salamander. Green. Plants: Flower and cactus.Amarillo. Fungi: Cheese yeast, mold mushrooms and fruit. Blue: Microorganisms. Bacterias.2.Relaciona the two columns by flechas.Pueden move and feed on other living beings. - AnimalesNo move and feed on other living beings. - HongosSon microscopic beings. - MicrobiosNo move and can make their own food. - Plants

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