
Sunday 1 May 2016

PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

What is PCOS?

PCOS is the abbreviation for polycystic ovary syndrome. Literally, this means that there is more than one (poly) vesicles (cysts) are present in the ovary (ovary). PCOS occurs in five to ten percent of all women.

In this syndrome are elevated or even reduced levels of various hormones in your body. This has disrupted the process of maturation of the follicles, causing small fluid-filled blisters occur in the ovaries: follicle. In PCOS may be no ovulation for a long time, so you have reduced fertility and not menstruating. In addition, excessive hair growth, acne and obesity are also symptoms of PCOS.

Cause of PCOS

How PCOS occurs is not known. Probably, there is not just a single cause, and there are several hormones involved in PCOS. Often there is an increased value of the hormones LH, testosterone and insulin in PCOS and a lowered value of the FSH hormone.

Part of the cause of PCOS is hereditary in some families it happens more often than others. In addition, obesity also plays a role. People who are prone to PCOS, get PCOS if there is overweight.

Symptoms of PCOS

There may be from PCOS if you have at least two of the following symptoms:

no or irregular periods;
too much male hormone in your body;
many small follicles (follicles) in the ovaries (to be determined by an echo).
The main short-term consequences of PCOS is excessive hair growth, acne and infertility. In the long term PCOS can cause the following health problems: diabetes (NIDDM), cardiovascular disease, hypertension and endometrial cancer. Usually these symptoms occur only after the changeover. Many of these problems are associated with obesity and resistance to insulin. If these problems are identified early and treated, will reduce the impact on the long term.

Diagnosis of PCOS

Can be determined by means of a blood test and an ultrasound if you have PCOS. By means of the blood test, the values ​​of the hormones be viewed and with the ultrasound is checked whether there is to be found on the follicles are your ovaries.

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