
Sunday 8 May 2016

Move to osteoporosis

Responsible for your bones
 Annemieke Hoogland | Published: 09-10-2012
Of move you become strong. And that applies not only your muscles but also the bones. In particular sports which are harmful to the body, have a positive effect on the health of the bones. Even if you already suffer from osteoporosis.

If you regularly charge your bones, you hold it more strongly. Exercise is also important for building bones. Around age 30, the density of the bones is greatest and after your 45th is more than broken bone created.

movement is important in both the build-up of the bone mass as the preservation,. The movement may even slow down the process of bone destruction. Bones are in fact able to adapt to the requirements that are placed on them. Even in old age, the bones this adaptability yet.

Someone extended period of bed is confined, may lose half a year 30 percent of bone. Simply because he can not move. If you have osteoporosis, it is therefore particularly important move. You can not cure the disease but slow.

Thereby ensures smooth movement of muscles and joints. Your flexibility, muscle strength, balance and agility benefit here. This helps prevent falls and missteps. And just a fracture occurs easier if there is osteoporosis.

Moving, moving, so moving. Preferably every day for thirty minutes. Especially forms of exercise where you have the body responsible favorable. You can think of walking, gardening, jogging, tennis, dancing and skating. Also, golf, boating, fitness and cycling are beneficial, although you in rowing and cycling body responsible to a lesser extent.

For the same reason, swimming is less effective, the body is finally carried by the water. Does make swimming muscles and joints loose and it is good for the condition. If you have suffered from osteoporosis is swimming so a good alternative. Just because you are experiencing less pain or symptoms.

The importance of quietly building true for osteoporosis patients. Especially if you have done nothing for a while. For example, start moving by five minutes and count them every day a few minutes on. Occasionally insert a rest day, is certainly a wise choice in the beginning.

Observe till motions on correct posture: back straight and knees bent. If osteoporosis patient you better not do exercises where you have to bend over. This is very stressful for the back.

Finally, it is important that you move remains sustainable. If you do nothing for a while, the health effects disappear again. Therefore choose a sport that you really like and try to move someone. That is not only motivating, but also much more fun.

There are various initiatives in the field of exercise programs. The advantage is that you also supervised sports. A sports coach or physical therapist can ensure that you are not too many, but certainly not exert too little. If you are considering to active sports, consultation with a supervisor also wise.

Every day
Make sure you get every day some movement: once a week for three hours walking is less effective than five times a week for half an hour. Try during the day also make smart choices. For example, choose the stairs instead of the elevator and leave, if possible, leave the car and take the bike.

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