
Sunday 8 May 2016

Deficiency of calcium or vitamin D

A medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue, typically as a result of hormonal changes, or deficiency of calcium or vitamin D
From childhood you hear all that you should drink enough milk for strong bones. Not surprising, because calcium is essential for healthy bones. But you can do more to protect your bones. Especially with osteoporosis, a healthy diet is necessary.
Cure osteoporosis is not possible, but fortunately we can do ourselves a lot to keep the bones strong and healthy. Plus, you can if you have osteoporosis or bone protect against further weakening. Nutritional and dietary supplements are next move (and prevention) the ways in which osteoporosis or symptoms thereof can be reduced or prevented.
Calcium and vitamin D play a leading role. But a healthy diet does not only consist of these two nutrients. For healthy bones variation is the key word. By using many different types of food you get in all the required nutrients. In addition to vitamin D and calcium are that, among other vitamin B6, B11, B12, C and K.
For strong and healthy bones, calcium is essential. It causes new bone formation and bone remains. You can find calcium in dairy products like milk, buttermilk, yogurt, cottage cheese, custard and cheese. It makes no difference to the amount of calcium whether you skimmed, semi-skimmed or whole milk.
The Nutrition Centre recommends that you eat two to three servings of dairy products and additionally eating two slices of cheese. That way you get enough calcium. Red can not, can provide a supplement solution. Bread, vegetables and legumes also contain calcium, but to a lesser degree.
Everyone needs calcium each day; not just young children or the elderly. In addition, calcium is not only necessary for the bones, but also for the functioning of the muscles. If you follow the diet do not get enough calcium, your body will be at a lack of calcium in the blood, the mineral release from the bones. Use more calcium than recommended, by the way does not make sense. This gives no additional positive effect on the bones.
Vitamin D
In addition to calcium, vitamin D plays an important role in bone. The vitamin ensures that the intestines can take on calcium from food. In addition, leads a lack of vitamin D - which is something many people do not know - even to weaker muscles. As a result, for example, increases the risk of falls.
Adequate vitamin D you get inside through a combination of daily exposure of the skin to sunlight and vitamin D in the diet. As many as 70-90 percent of our vitamin D requirement is created under the influence of sunlight. To low-fat margarine, margarine and cooking products, for example, vitamin D added. Furthermore, meat, eggs, cheese and fatty fish sources of vitamin D. However, small amounts of vitamin D, which for some people supplementation is needed; especially when there is not enough being produced by the body. The Health recommends certain population therefore supplementation.
While growing extra vitamin D needed. In the elderly, especially vitamin D required to hold the breakdown and build-up of the bones in balance. Vitamin D supplements are certainly necessary for people with osteoporosis, but other groups need additional vitamin D. Children under 4 years for example, or women over 50 and men over 70 years.
other vitamins
Of several other vitamins, scientists think that they also have an impact on the bones. Vitamin K is necessary for example for the production of certain boteiwitten. With lots of vegetables and milk you get enough vitamin K. Thereby it is not clear whether it is useful to take extra vitamin K in order to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. The same applies, for instance the vitamins B6, B11 and B12. A deficiency of these vitamins constitutes a risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.
There are also indications that high doses of vitamin A from animal products increase the risk of hip fractures. With vitamin A, so you better be careful.
Further customize your salt, alcohol and tobacco. If you eat a lot of salt, you pee it with calcium again. Too much alcohol can cause the formation of new bone is slowed down. For smoking is that it is bad for overall health and therefore is not good for the bones.
Finally, there is evidence that soy isoflavones protect against osteoporosis. Here too it is not yet clear whether swallowing preparations containing soy and isoflavones makes sense. Until then, it is not recommended to swallow them.

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