
Sunday 8 May 2016

Low back pain to neck stiffness

Complaints to the back, neck and shoulders are becoming more common. Research shows that 4 in 5 people sometimes have to deal with back problems and pain in the neck and / or shoulders. Not everyone goes to a doctor and that is not always necessary.
Lower back pain
A common phenomenon is low back pain. The most likely cause is overload. It could so suddenly shoot, but it can gradually emerge. The pain is somewhere between the lower ribs and the buttocks and may radiate to hips and legs. Especially moving is painful, getting out of bed or sitting can be a challenge. Low back pain is almost always naturally. Sometimes within a few days, usually within a few weeks, sometimes it takes a few months. Therapists advise to remain especially moving, but in a quiet way. It is important in order to avoid long sit. If the symptoms persist long, it is wise to visit a doctor. Also consult a doctor if the pain is unbearable or if there is tingling in the legs.
Back hernia
Literally spinal hernia rupture or bulge means back. Such a protrusion can press on a nerve and it excite, causing symptoms can occur. In a spinal hernia you have symptoms such as low back pain, sharp pain that permeates into your leg or loss of strength or a sleeping sensation in your leg. Certain movements may exacerbate the condition, but also eg coughing, sneezing or straining. People often think that needs to be operated on a hernia, but that is not so. Usually a hernia resolve in six to twelve weeks. Also, keep a rughernia move better than bed rest. Painkillers can relieve the symptoms. Please prefer paracetamol at fixed times. If that does not help, try other painkillers. Muscle relaxant drugs are meaningless. Visit a specialist if your symptoms over time have not been taken.

Neck hernia
Not only in your back you have a hernia, including your neck. This can be a cause of pain to the shoulders. The nerves that lead to the arm from your neck, take care of the feeling and motor skills of your entire arm. A pinched nerve creates a radiating pain towards your shoulder, sometimes even into the fingers. A neck hernia often heals itself. But if it does not, it is treatable with surgery.

Tendon igniting
The most frequent pain of shoulder pain is tendinitis, also known as tendinitis. An inflammation of a tendon causes not only pain, but also stiffness in the shoulder. It is caused by overloading of the joint. In some cases, it may be a symptom of a rheumatic disorder. Usually about peace comes. Medications and exercise, can help manual therapy or physiotherapy.

Another cause of shoulder pain can be a slime beur inflammation (bursitis). sitting in various places in the body sacs that keep bones, muscles and tendons move smoothly past each other. Thus, also in the shoulder. By overloading the shoulder or a fall or infection may become inflamed bursa. This makes it swells and goes shoulder hurt. Usually heals bursitis alone. The joint should be examined as forthcoming recovery. In order to inhibit the inflammatory medications may help. Also can be given a corticosteroid injection. In severe cases, the bursa can be surgically removed.

Stiff neck
Do you suffer from stiff muscles in your neck? You can have a muscle. Also, your neck muscles are stiff in response to pain. Sometimes your muscles are so tight, hard and stiff that it looks like your neck 'stuck'. It can give you head pain and may even skew of standing. Here too, again: keep moving. Try to do very careful exercises. For example, bend your head ten times forward and backward. Then try your head to run on both sides and then move your ear towards shoulder. Do not force anything, take painkillers if needed and do relaxation exercises. It can also help a hot shower. If you often suffer from neck problems, consider how it comes. You are wrong example? Or you'll get hurt if you have stress? Once you know the cause, it is also well find it easier to find solutions.

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