
Sunday 15 May 2016

Inositol, a peculiar nutrient

Inositol - A nutrient that is grouped with vitamin B

L & S.- Inositol, also known as phytic acid, inositol hexaphosphate, IP6, myo-inositol (myo-inositol) and Phytic acid (inositol phosphate), is a nutrient that can be produced by the body from glucose. It is still considered by some as a member of the group of vitamin B.

It is considered a nutritionally active factor, ie a nutrient capable of exerting a specific biological effect (either inside or outside the intestine) once it is absorbed. In its plant form (myo-inositol or myo-inositol and phytate) can get naturally from sources such as fruits, vegetables, some grains, legumes, nuts, yeast and some foods of animal origin. In general, it is achieved from the same sources that vitamin B group is achieved

Inositol - Properties

Inositol is found in virtually all cells of the body as it is an essential component of the phospholipids that make up cell membranes and can say that:

It has effects on the nervous system: it is a nutrient vitamin B complex is involved in the transmission of impulses nervous
It helps lower cholesterol. Inositol, combined with choline, could be interesting in lowering cholesterol.
Have effects on the liver: has a lipotropic effect (helps mobilize fat out of the liver)
Constipation and inositol: involved in the stimulation of muscles of the gastrointestinal canal
It helps prevent Alzheimer: Inositol could be useful in preventing the development of Alzheimer although there is no conclusive evidence on this subject.
Other physiological functions is known to assist enzymatic activity
Inositol - Therapeutic Uses

There are some therapeutic currents and some studies suggest that high doses of inositol may be interesting to improve conditions of nerve cells. Together with the hill is responsible for the creation of neurotransmitters, thus positively influences cases:

Depression: People who suffer from depression, have levels of this element in their spinal fluid significantly lower than in people who are not depressed. We know that acts directly on serotonin (a neurotransmitter whose levels directly affect depression).
Panic disorder
bipolar disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Attention deficit
They are studying possible cancer-preventive properties
For lipid metabolism. Together with the hill, it prevents these are deposited in the liver and promotes its transport and penetration into cells.
For blood circulation. By reducing cholesterol, improves conditions thereof
For healthy skin and hair
For good sight
To digest food properly
To sleep well.
To stay relaxed
To feel encouraged
For good reproductive capacity
For the good condition of the digestive system
For the creation of bone marrow cells
We can add that with respect to the properties of Inositol is not said everything. As an example of the study being carried out, the team of scientists from the University of the Balearic Islands, has over a decade investigating their properties. They consider it an essential substance for a healthy and balanced human diet and has proven that is present in biological body fluids (blood, urine, and interstitial fluid).

Inositol and heavy metals

Inositol (phytic acid) is recognized for its ability to bind to certain minerals and neutralize them. This interaction can have a very positive application when it comes to removing heavy metals from the body. Phytic acid is able to bind toxic metals such as cadmium or aluminum, etc. which cause serious damage to the nervous and digestive system. Heavy metals can even be responsible for male infertility. These elements cause the heavy metals are eliminated through feces without these passing into the bloodstream from the intestine.

Inositol as a prebiotic

It is known as a prebiotic, protector of the circulatory system, reducing blood pressure, blood sugar regulator and hyper cholesterol, anti-cancer or beneficial in the immune response.

Inositol - consequences of its deficiency

The lack of Inositol may result in:
Sterility. it is believed, it contributes to the creation of sperm and therefore the lack of this nutrient could be responsible for male infertility
Skin problems: involved in skin renewal. The absence of this vitamin may cause dermatitis or eczema
Hair problems: Low levels of inositol produces weakness in the hair and could be responsible for his downfall in some cases
circulatory problems
Eye diseases: Inositol is found abundantly in ocular tissues. The absence of this element could be responsible for some eye diseases like night blindness is the inability of some people to adapt their view of the dark and are very susceptible to dazzling light.
Nerve problems: Inositol is involved in the chemical balance of copper and zinc in nerve cells. Lack of this vitamin can produce excess copper may be responsible for many problems of the nervous system: anxiety, insomnia, nervousness, depression, stress, phobias or fears, etc. Also it believed to Inositol deficiency increases neuronal problems patients with diabetes (diabetic neuropathy).
Constipation: Lack of inositol may produce excessive relaxation of the muscles of the intestine that would be responsible for constipation due to lack of contractions of the intestine.
Inositol - where to find sources

Animal sources of Inositol
Comes from animal sources is called myo-inositol. The main source is the liver and also all the viscera. Meat, milk and its derivatives.

Plant sources of Inositol
The inositol from plant sources may also be in the form of myoinositol, or contain it in the form of "phytic acid", which is transformed by gut bacteria in Inositol.

Something that can be of great interest to know that our body is able to produce in their own bodies. For this peculiarity it is not considered that inositol is a vitamin as such. It is present in high amounts in the brain and the liver and it is believed that the major tissues responsible for producing this "vitamin" are the tissues of the intestinal mucosa, brain or nervous system, liver or kidneys.

Inositol supplements
In addition to through food, Inositol is available as supplements in capsule form together with B vitamins, mixed with choline and L-carnitine, etc ...

Normally a varied diet is sufficient to meet the daily demands of this vitamin. There are however some situations where you may need to increase the daily dose. Among the main conditions that may cause deficiencies have:

Problems body organs producing inositol: diseases in the gastric mucosa, liver, kidneys, brain, or nervous system
Stress or stress situations.
Drinks containing caffeine spoil the inositol. (Coffee, tea, colas, etc.)
Some drugs inhibit its absorption, especially antibiotics.
excessive urination by ingestion of diuretics or very high amounts of water.

daily needs: There is no ADR for inositol, although it is estimated that the ADR for an adult is between 3 and 5 mg daily.

Toxicity: Though having no toxicity appears in high doses has been found that can cause diarrea.Inositol - A nutrient groups with vitamin B

L & S.- Inositol, also known as phytic acid, inositol hexaphosphate, IP6, myo-inositol (myo-inositol) and Phytic acid (inositol phosphate), is a nutrient that can be produced by the body from glucose. It is still considered by some as a member of the group of vitamin B.

It is considered a nutritionally active factor, ie a nutrient capable of exerting a specific biological effect (either inside or outside the intestine) once it is absorbed. In its plant form (myo-inositol or myo-inositol and phytate) can get naturally from sources such as fruits, vegetables, some grains, legumes, nuts, yeast and some foods of animal origin. In general, it is achieved from the same sources that vitamin B group is achieved

Inositol - Properties

Inositol is found in virtually all cells of the body as it is an essential component of the phospholipids that make up cell membranes and can say that:

It has effects on the nervous system: it is a nutrient vitamin B complex is involved in the transmission of impulses nervous
It helps lower cholesterol. Inositol, combined with choline, could be interesting in lowering cholesterol.
Have effects on the liver: has a lipotropic effect (helps mobilize fat out of the liver)
Constipation and inositol: involved in the stimulation of muscles of the gastrointestinal canal
It helps prevent Alzheimer: Inositol could be useful in preventing the development of Alzheimer although there is no conclusive evidence on this subject.
Other physiological functions is known to assist enzymatic activity
Inositol - Therapeutic Uses

There are some therapeutic currents and some studies suggest that high doses of inositol may be interesting to improve conditions of nerve cells. Together with the hill is responsible for the creation of neurotransmitters, thus positively influences cases:

Depression: People who suffer from depression, have levels of this element in their spinal fluid significantly lower than in people who are not depressed. We know that acts directly on serotonin (a neurotransmitter whose levels directly affect depression).
Panic disorder
bipolar disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Attention deficit
They are studying possible cancer-preventive properties
For lipid metabolism. Together with the hill, it prevents these are deposited in the liver and promotes its transport and penetration into cells.
For blood circulation. By reducing cholesterol, improves conditions thereof
For healthy skin and hair
For good sight
To digest food properly
To sleep well.
To stay relaxed
To feel encouraged
For good reproductive capacity
For the good condition of the digestive system
For the creation of bone marrow cells
We can add that with respect to the properties of Inositol is not said everything. As an example of the study being carried out, the team of scientists from the University of the Balearic Islands, has over a decade investigating their properties. They consider it an essential substance for a healthy and balanced human diet and has proven that is present in biological body fluids (blood, urine, and interstitial fluid).

Inositol and heavy metals

Inositol (phytic acid) is recognized for its ability to bind to certain minerals and neutralize them. This interaction can have a very positive application when it comes to removing heavy metals from the body. Phytic acid is able to bind toxic metals such as cadmium or aluminum, etc. which cause serious damage to the nervous and digestive system. Heavy metals can even be responsible for male infertility. These elements cause the heavy metals are eliminated through feces without these passing into the bloodstream from the intestine.

Inositol as a prebiotic

It is known as a prebiotic, protector of the circulatory system, reducing blood pressure, blood sugar regulator and hyper cholesterol, anti-cancer or beneficial in the immune response.

Inositol - consequences of its deficiency

The lack of Inositol may result in:
Sterility. it is believed, it contributes to the creation of sperm and therefore the lack of this nutrient could be responsible for male infertility
Skin problems: involved in skin renewal. The absence of this vitamin may cause dermatitis or eczema
Hair problems: Low levels of inositol produces weakness in the hair and could be responsible for his downfall in some cases
circulatory problems
Eye diseases: Inositol is found abundantly in ocular tissues. The absence of this element could be responsible for some eye diseases like night blindness is the inability of some people to adapt their view of the dark and are very susceptible to dazzling light.
Nerve problems: Inositol is involved in the chemical balance of copper and zinc in nerve cells. Lack of this vitamin can produce excess copper may be responsible for many problems of the nervous system: anxiety, insomnia, nervousness, depression, stress, phobias or fears, etc. Also it believed to Inositol deficiency increases neuronal problems patients with diabetes (diabetic neuropathy).
Constipation: Lack of inositol may produce excessive relaxation of the muscles of the intestine that would be responsible for constipation due to lack of contractions of the intestine.
Inositol - where to find sources

Animal sources of Inositol
Comes from animal sources is called myo-inositol. The main source is the liver and also all the viscera. Meat, milk and its derivatives.

Plant sources of Inositol
The inositol from plant sources may also be in the form of myoinositol, or contain it in the form of "phytic acid", which is transformed by gut bacteria in Inositol.

Something that can be of great interest to know that our body is able to produce in their own bodies. For this peculiarity it is not considered that inositol is a vitamin as such. It is present in high amounts in the brain and the liver and it is believed that the major tissues responsible for producing this "vitamin" are the tissues of the intestinal mucosa, brain or nervous system, liver or kidneys.

Inositol supplements
In addition to through food, Inositol is available as supplements in capsule form together with B vitamins, mixed with choline and L-carnitine, etc ...

Normally a varied diet is sufficient to meet the daily demands of this vitamin. There are however some situations where you may need to increase the daily dose. Among the main conditions that may cause deficiencies have:

Problems body organs producing inositol: diseases in the gastric mucosa, liver, kidneys, brain, or nervous system
Stress or stress situations.
Drinks containing caffeine spoil the inositol. (Coffee, tea, colas, etc.)
Some drugs inhibit its absorption, especially antibiotics.
excessive urination by ingestion of diuretics or very high amounts of water.

daily needs: There is no ADR for inositol, although it is estimated that the ADR for an adult is between 3 and 5 mg daily.

Toxicity: Though having no toxicity appears in high doses has been found that can cause diarrea.Inositol, a peculiar nutrient

Inositol, a peculiar nutrient
Inositol - A nutrient that is grouped with vitamin B

L & S.- Inositol, also known as phytic acid, inositol hexaphosphate, IP6, myo-inositol (myo-inositol) and Phytic acid (inositol phosphate), is a nutrient that can be produced by the body from glucose. It is still considered by some as a member of the group of vitamin B.

It is considered a nutritionally active factor, ie a nutrient capable of exerting a specific biological effect (either inside or outside the intestine) once it is absorbed. In its plant form (myo-inositol or myo-inositol and phytate) can get naturally from sources such as fruits, vegetables, some grains, legumes, nuts, yeast and some foods of animal origin. In general, it is achieved from the same sources that vitamin B group is achieved

Inositol - Properties

Inositol is found in virtually all cells of the body as it is an essential component of the phospholipids that make up cell membranes and can say that:

It has effects on the nervous system: it is a nutrient vitamin B complex is involved in the transmission of impulses nervous
It helps lower cholesterol. Inositol, combined with choline, could be interesting in lowering cholesterol.
Have effects on the liver: has a lipotropic effect (helps mobilize fat out of the liver)
Constipation and inositol: involved in the stimulation of muscles of the gastrointestinal canal
It helps prevent Alzheimer: Inositol could be useful in preventing the development of Alzheimer although there is no conclusive evidence on this subject.
Other physiological functions is known to assist enzymatic activity
Inositol - Therapeutic Uses

There are some therapeutic currents and some studies suggest that high doses of inositol may be interesting to improve conditions of nerve cells. Together with the hill is responsible for the creation of neurotransmitters, thus positively influences cases:

Depression: People who suffer from depression, have levels of this element in their spinal fluid significantly lower than in people who are not depressed. We know that acts directly on serotonin (a neurotransmitter whose levels directly affect depression).
Panic disorder
bipolar disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Attention deficit
They are studying possible cancer-preventive properties
For lipid metabolism. Together with the hill, it prevents these are deposited in the liver and promotes its transport and penetration into cells.
For blood circulation. By reducing cholesterol, improves conditions thereof
For healthy skin and hair
For good sight
To digest food properly
To sleep well.
To stay relaxed
To feel encouraged
For good reproductive capacity
For the good condition of the digestive system
For the creation of bone marrow cells
We can add that with respect to the properties of Inositol is not said everything. As an example of the study being carried out, the team of scientists from the University of the Balearic Islands, has over a decade investigating their properties. They consider it an essential substance for a healthy and balanced human diet and has proven that is present in biological body fluids (blood, urine, and interstitial fluid).

Inositol and heavy metals

Inositol (phytic acid) is recognized for its ability to bind to certain minerals and neutralize them. This interaction can have a very positive application when it comes to removing heavy metals from the body. Phytic acid is able to bind toxic metals such as cadmium or aluminum, etc. which cause serious damage to the nervous and digestive system. Heavy metals can even be responsible for male infertility. These elements cause the heavy metals are eliminated through feces without these passing into the bloodstream from the intestine.

Inositol as a prebiotic

It is known as a prebiotic, protector of the circulatory system, reducing blood pressure, blood sugar regulator and hyper cholesterol, anti-cancer or beneficial in the immune response.

Inositol - consequences of its deficiency

The lack of Inositol may result in:
Sterility. it is believed, it contributes to the creation of sperm and therefore the lack of this nutrient could be responsible for male infertility
Skin problems: involved in skin renewal. The absence of this vitamin may cause dermatitis or eczema
Hair problems: Low levels of inositol produces weakness in the hair and could be responsible for his downfall in some cases
circulatory problems
Eye diseases: Inositol is found abundantly in ocular tissues. The absence of this element could be responsible for some eye diseases like night blindness is the inability of some people to adapt their view of the dark and are very susceptible to dazzling light.
Nerve problems: Inositol is involved in the chemical balance of copper and zinc in nerve cells. Lack of this vitamin can produce excess copper may be responsible for many problems of the nervous system: anxiety, insomnia, nervousness, depression, stress, phobias or fears, etc. Also it believed to Inositol deficiency increases neuronal problems patients with diabetes (diabetic neuropathy).
Constipation: Lack of inositol may produce excessive relaxation of the muscles of the intestine that would be responsible for constipation due to lack of contractions of the intestine.
Inositol - where to find sources

Animal sources of Inositol
Comes from animal sources is called myo-inositol. The main source is the liver and also all the viscera. Meat, milk and its derivatives.

Plant sources of Inositol
The inositol from plant sources may also be in the form of myoinositol, or contain it in the form of "phytic acid", which is transformed by gut bacteria in Inositol.

Something that can be of great interest to know that our body is able to produce in their own bodies. For this peculiarity it is not considered that inositol is a vitamin as such. It is present in high amounts in the brain and the liver and it is believed that the major tissues responsible for producing this "vitamin" are the tissues of the intestinal mucosa, brain or nervous system, liver or kidneys.

Inositol supplements
In addition to through food, Inositol is available as supplements in capsule form together with B vitamins, mixed with choline and L-carnitine, etc ...

Normally a varied diet is sufficient to meet the daily demands of this vitamin. There are however some situations where you may need to increase the daily dose. Among the main conditions that may cause deficiencies have:

Problems body organs producing inositol: diseases in the gastric mucosa, liver, kidneys, brain, or nervous system
Stress or stress situations.
Drinks containing caffeine spoil the inositol. (Coffee, tea, colas, etc.)
Some drugs inhibit its absorption, especially antibiotics.
excessive urination by ingestion of diuretics or very high amounts of water.

daily needs: There is no ADR for inositol, although it is estimated that the ADR for an adult is between 3 and 5 mg daily.

Toxicity: Though having no toxicity appears in high doses has been found to cause diarrhea can.

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