
Sunday 15 May 2016

Candidiasis - Diet to eradicate

Candidiasis - Responsible for many digestive problems

L & S.- The diet for someone infected with intestinal candidiasis, should be very strict and have to be patient if you want to win the fight. There will be absolutely forbidden foods, others may take only occasionally and allowed foods.

All these forbidden foods have a common denominator, which feed the fungus called Candida or mycelium (reponsable candidiasis) and so damaging when it invades our body.

We will call "phases" to the different steps of removing candida.

Candidiasis treatment - Duration

The treatment of chronic candidiasis will last between 4 and 8 months. Each phase must be at least 1 month, but the last phase, after the month can be extended for 2 or 3 months to be completely sure to be free of the pest.

⇒ Phase 1. Preparation Phase: In this phase of treatment against candidiasis should weaken candid, then attack with an antifungal. The best way to weaken them, not feeding them, or put another way "making go hungry" and that we got through our own food, which is what they are nurtured and thereby become strong. There are a number of foods that are forbidden at this stage and will not be, but until the third phase, when it will be introduced very slowly, that is, to be followed this routine feeding, also during the 2nd and half the 3rd phase.

This is critical if you want to achieve success in the fight against chronic candidiasis.

Candidiasis - totally forbidden foods in the diet

Sugars and all foods that contain or suspected of containing sugars, or taste is sweet: sugar, dextrose, canned tomato cans and ketchup, saccharin, desserts and ice creams, syrups, honey, pastries and cakes, biscuits , soft drinks, breakfast cereals, etc.
All dairy products (especially yogurt, which provide bifidus)
Peanuts and pistachios
Alcoholic drinks
Products or processes including fermentation yeast bread, pizzas, pastries, etc.
Cubes wines of all kinds. If you want broth, do it with fresh meat and vegetables permitted, and drink it without noodles or rice
Any product that fermentation (yeast) is part of their development process: vinegar, sauerkraut, cider, beer, tempeh, soy sauce, miso, tea (except green tea, which is not a fermented tea), etc.
Flour and refined grains like white rice, white pasta, etc.
Potatoes, mushrooms, mushrooms and all fungi
Pumpkin and sweet potatoes
Oats, rye and corn are best avoided
Fruit in general (fresh and dried) and juices
Candidiasis - Foods Allowed

Vegetables: vegetables are all good, except mushrooms, fungi, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, potatoes, carrot juice and beet (all of these have excess sugars)
natural vegetable juices (except for carrot and beet)
Meat, fish and eggs
Seitan, tofu, peas, quinoa and TVP
Olive oil (very little)
Whole rice, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth and millet
nuts and pumpkin seeds, almonds, sesame and sunflower (always raw and unsalted and peeled almonds), except peanuts and pistachios
Rice cakes and crackers or rye toast (unleavened)
Bottled water
Avocado and lemon
Nuts (less peanut and pistachio)
Seeds: chia seed or Hispanic sage, sesame, poppy, mustard, black onion, alfalfa, flax, pumpkin, sunflower, etc.
Germinated seeds of the above plus mung beans, lentils, onion, etc ...
Soy beverages, rice and oats (replaces perfectly to milk)
especially good spices; oregano, ginger, coriander, cumin and turmeric
Infusions especially good; chamomile, sage, thyme, boldo, rosemary, lemon verbena, tea Roiboos, holy tea, star anise, fennel, licorice, mint and spearmint
Important note: It is likely that the person subjected to this diet for the duration of this first phase, worse. That is within the 'normal' but be known that it is temporary. It is due to a detoxification process (healing crisis).

Know that in the case of suffering from heartburn, white tongue and doughy, heaviness in the digests, etc. It can help with digestive enzymes such as papain (papaya enzyme), ginger and activated charcoal, which absorbs toxic gases caused by the fermentation caused by candidiasis.

We insist that it is very important to be severe diet. It is the basis to continue in the "attack" candid and prevent further outbreaks having future.

After the first phase only diet, we can move to the second phase.

⇒ Phase 2: Preparation phase. Once the month just finished the diet, this 2nd phase of treatment for candidiasis should be continued and whether it has had to resort to digestive enzymes and charcoal, keep taking them, as they will continue to help at this stage.

Already weakened candida or fungi, it is time to attack with all guns blazing. Antifungal being destroyed. There are many natural antifungals who do no harm to the body, no side effects and are as effective, or more than chemical antifungals against candidiasis. One of them is the graviola, which incidentally, we propose the Amazon Green, for its purity and concentration and is one of antifungals that gives the best results.

While entering the graviola, you start to drink a day a half liter of water with desmodium. It is achieved by a decoction of 5 minutes from a desmodium tablespoon per liter of water sweetened with natural stevia drops. This half liter of drinking tea instead of water. Lauric acid desmodium is a very soft, but strong antifungal against candidiasis and is also a tremendously sewage and next to the graviola plant, they will be responsible for the candid and cleanse the liver so that it also helps in the process.

Graviola supplying it must go starting with small doses and increasing them every 3 days in order to avoid large amounts of toxins in the body candid dead. It is preferable that such escalation will die and thus no symptoms of toxicity and therefore a sense of worsening symptoms of candidiasis.

The desmodium help the liver to debug.

There you go increasing the dose until taking the total dose and continue presenting battle. Go increasing taking soursop as follows:

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