
Monday 9 May 2016

Abdominal exercise for low back pain

To adapt the exercises to your complaint, makes use of a filter. Select by category, the type of exercise you want. You are then asked to indicate the location of the complaint and how long you have the complaint. Finally, you can specify the class of pain between 0-10 (0 = no pain and 10 = very severe pain). This filter is just a tool, it is recommended to contact a therapist for advice.

Abdominal exercise for low back pain
Muscle strengthening exercise for back 1
allow multiple studies have shown that weak back muscles with a short endurance pose a major risk in the development of low back pain. Exercises for the lower back ...

Abdominal exercise for low back pain
Muscle strengthening exercises for back 2
'Use it or lose it'. This concept is central to the optimal functioning of the spine. Muscles or joints can function differently when they are not properly ...

Abdominal exercise 3a
Muscle strengthening exercise for back 3
Our spine has many muscle layers. Each individual muscle has a different function. When certain muscles can overload people with low back pain. Thereby be right ...

Plank exercise
Muscle strengthening exercise for back 7
A number of small back muscles play an important role in the maintenance of mobility and stability. These muscles are often impaired in people with low back pain. Through the...

Standing board
Muscle strengthening exercise for back 8
Muscle strengthening exercises for low back muscles can contribute to better support the spine. This may have on the recovery of a low beneficial effect ...

Bsit up
Muscle strengthening exercise for back 9

Strengthening exercises for low back muscles are only recommended if you have any back problems. If you have low back pain, visit your therapist first before ...

Core stability 1
Muscle strengthening exercise for back 10
allow multiple studies have shown that weak back muscles with a short endurance pose a major risk in the development of low back pain. Exercises for the lower back ...

Abdominal exercise for back
Muscle strengthening exercise for back 12
Starting position: recline, knees raised

Exercise for back
Muscle strengthening exercise for back 16

Starting position: Prone Execution: Hold tightened abdominal muscles during this exercise (co-contraction). First move your arms after each other up and down. Do this ...

Muscle strengthening exercise for back 22
'Use it or lose it'. This concept is central to the optimal functioning of the spine. Muscles or joints can function differently when they are not properly ...

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