
Sunday 8 May 2016

Women: pelvic inflammatory disaese (PID) and enometriose

PID is a generic term for infection of the female reproductive organs: pelvic (uterine lining, Fallopian tubes and abdominal cavity) and abscesses in the ovaries or Fallopian tube. If left untreated, these infections can spread and cause recurrent symptoms. Major causes of PID are sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia and gonorrhea, but also traumatic events can cause PID as childbirth, abortion or surgery of the reproductive organs of the pelvis. PID may be associated with chronic, often severe pain in the lower abdomen, painful sexual intercourse, unusual vaginal discharge, abnormal vaginal bleeding such as after sex or the middle of the menstrual cycle, back pain, fever, nausea, diarrhea, weight loss and pain when urinating. However, it also may show no symptoms.

Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrial dirty spreads to other areas, usually the pelvis or abdomen. This benign anomaly causes many women pain (including abdominal pain and low back pain), fatigue, disturbed bowel function and difficulties or pain when urinating (dysuria).

Back pain can also occur in kidney stones and gallstones.

The most common specific back problem is the herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP abbreviated). In 90-98% of cases, it appears HNP a localized to the low back. (7) A hernia is a herniated intervertebral disc, one of the shock-absorbing discs between the vertebrae. HNP is most frequently between the ages of 45 and 65. Many women as men are affected. Perhaps that large body size, overweight (obesity), heavy and persistent back strain and prolonged driving risk factors. Heredity plays no significant role. Symptoms may develop quite suddenly occur or herself for several weeks and have a sharp pain in the affected area for most patients a radiating pain that usually pulls along the back of the leg from the buttock, sometimes even into the toes (sciatica). Furthermore, the patient may suffer from muscle spasm and stiffness around the affected area, making movement difficult normally. A strong clamping of the nerve, even deficits occur, such as numbness and paralysis in the leg or problems with urination (urination) or defecation.

Low back pain can also be the result of spinal cord injury: injury to the back (or neck), wherein the spinal cord is involved. Injury to the spinal column as a result of an accident, may cause damage to the spinal cord.

Some 50% of pregnant women suffer from low back pain complaints. This pain can occur due to a change in attitude of the woman by the weight of the growing baby and hormonal changes that lead to the loosening of ligaments and joints, including the spine.

Persistent low back pain can be the result of a joint disease. In young people it may relate Bechterew's disease, also known as ankylosing spondylitis. Ankylosing spondylitis is a rheumatic disease with, inter alia, the following symptoms: stiffness; back pain; pain in the buttocks and / or pelvis. At halftime enter a worsening of symptoms and fewer complaints through movement.

Persistent back pain in the elderly can be caused by osteoarthritis. In osteoarthritis, the cartilage deteriorates in quality. Over time, it may even disappear completely. In osteoarthritis takes to adjacent bone. In the vernacular, this process is often referred to as 'wear and tear'. The disorder is characterized by pain, stiffness and loss of function.

In osteoporosis, also referred to as osteoporosis, the bones to be more brittle, because there is less calcium (lime) in the bone is present. In osteoporosis, the spine can be affected which may cause back pain, which can manifest itself in various ways. In acute collapse of a vertebra, there occurs sudden severe pain. Reduces pain and usually disappears when the patient lies down. In order to counteract the movements around the site of the XRs, the local back muscles can powerful contractions. This muscle cramping may persist in the worst days. This leads to stiffening of the back and intense muscle pain. The acute pain as a result of the XRs is disappeared in many cases, four to six weeks. It is also possible that the pain persists and becomes chronic.

In osteomyelitis is an infection in the bone, as a result of which there is inflammation. This inflammation can cause, among other pain. Osteomyelitis can occur in vertebrae or intervertebral discs. This is also known as infectious or septic ankylosing spondylitis c.q. spondylodiscitis. This could damage the vertebrae, deform or collapse.

In rare cases, pain from tumors that can go out of the vertebrae, the spinal membrane, the nerve roots or the spinal cord itself. Metastases or metastases of tumors elsewhere in the body to areas around the spinal cord are more common.

For men is that prostatitis (prostate inflammation) can also lead to low back pain symptoms. Other symptoms of prostatitis: a burning sensation or robe when urinating; problems with urination; frequent urination, especially at night; urgent need to urinate; groin pain, lower back, abdomen (tummy), penis (penis) or testes (testicles / testes); pain during ejaculation (ejaculation).

Finally, emotional stress can also cause low back pain complaints.

Low back pain number one cause of disability

A new study has shown that low back pain is not only the number one cause of absenteeism, but also causes more disability worldwide than any other condition whatsoever. The jobs that many workers suffer from low back pain, are those in which a lot is lifted, powerful movements to be made, awkward postures are adopted, and where workers often are exposed to vibration. The research shows that workers who have almost four times as likely to be employed in the agricultural sector to fall out permanently because of low back pain as workers in all other sectors them together. The study was published in the journal Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. (March 25, 2014)

Definition of pathophysiology: knowledge of disruptions in normal body functions which can result in diseases and symptoms of diseases. Among anatomical structures means the parts of the body and their interrelationships.
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Koes BW (Erasmus MC family medicine) Tulder MW (VU EMGO). What are neck and back pain and what is the

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