
Thursday 12 May 2016

We focus our Healthy & Happiness summer e-book on healthy eating and exercise

A boost for your liver

We focus our Healthy & Happiness summer e-book on healthy eating and exercise to keep your organs healthy that way. If these organs namely healthy you feel good, you're less likely to get sick, you have much more energy and your body then the opportunity to work once again on your skin, nails and hair. Yeah really, that puts our bodies always in second place, is the first digest your food and the liver and kidneys clean.
clean energy
Your liver is your energy machine and head of the department detox. In most people, the liver is working, but 20-30% of what it can actually. This body is not only responsible for your food is converted into energy bouncing, but also (together with inter alia the kidneys and intestines) which wastes obtained are discharged safely.
Did you know that waste is to store in fat cells and if you're going to burn fat wastes are released? therefore important to be well put to work all detox organs!
Eat your beautiful
The nutrition plan that you find in the Healthy & Happiness eBook summer, we focus not only on the burning of excess fat, but especially on the cleaning of the body and support the detox organs. To thus ensure that you're going to bounce in energy and your body time to stay beautiful (or even to be even better). And all at once! Not a bad deal right?
This will you notice:
If your liver (and other detox organs) functions well, you can see that and notice the following:
- Eyes are brighter (whiter whites)
- Skin goes rays (your skin is the last organ where nutrients come, so if it is better you know all the nutrients you have reached other organs!)
- Less dark bags under the eyes
- More energy
- 'Can sleep through the night better and better equipped to wake up (you'll regularly between 01:00 and 03:00 hours awake at night, then your liver is working very hard and could use some support?)
For your shopping list:
The liver needs specific nutrients to work to do the best. So do your advantage and eat yourself beautiful. The best fruit to boost your liver: strawberries, pineapple, papaya, kiwi, orange, tomato and watermelon. Your vegetables for a happy liver: avocado, asparagus, broccoli, red peppers, shiitake mushrooms, spinach and carrots.
Do not forget to take a picture now and then again in a few weeks! Changes in your skin, eyes, hair and body often themselves are much less when you look in the mirror every day. Progress photos help to keep your motivation high and to see that what you do really does have effect!

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