
Wednesday 11 May 2016

Stress complaints? Make an appointment

1) Palpitations

Do your hard running or training, it is logical that you feel your heart beating fast. Palpitations you can also get just once, for example, if you quietly sitting on the couch. It may even be so bad that you think you're going to die. Such palpitations, you should always get medical check whether there is something wrong with your heart, such as cardiac arrhythmia. You then benefit from medications. Is physically not found, then it may be that you have had an attack of hyperventilation.

Typically, then, in addition to palpitations, an oppressive feeling in the chest, tingling sensations around the mouth and in the fingers, and a feeling of anxiety. Hyperventilation caused by too much stress.

Prove you to be caused by hyperventilation, heart palpitations, make sure you breathe correctly. Try, when you have an attack, breathe calmly and slowly. Especially long breath out. Do you get your breathing in this way is not controlled, then breathe in a plastic bag. Do you find it difficult to breathe properly, seek help from a respiratory therapist.

Also check what's bothering you in your life. What do you beat that? Making an attack is triggered? Think of ways to deal with the stress in your life, and create more time for yourself. Stop the use of coffee, black tea and cola - or other products containing caffeine and alcohol. That can worsen heart palpitations.

2) Irritable Bowel
Do you regularly struggle to go to the toilet, or do you just diarrhea, cramps and flatulence, then your gut upset. This kind of problems can be associated with abdominal pain and fatigue. About eight percent of the people even chronically suffer from these complaints; This is also known as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Irritable bowel often caused by stress. Once your intestinal upset, then go, unfortunately, the symptoms do not always disappears when the stress. You must then learn to live with it.

Let your medical check to exclude your abdominal complaints are a symptom of a serious illness. Do you have IBS, it is important that you get enough sleep and exercise regularly. Let alone cigarettes and alcohol and try to avoid the use of antibiotics. Which may worsen the symptoms.

Also eat plenty of fiber and take plenty of exercise, which promotes healthy bowel function. In short, ensure a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Stress belongs there clearly not.

3) Bruxism
In times of stress you can night will gnash your teeth. You often do not have in mind (your partner often, because it creaking makes a screeching sound). In the morning you wake up with jaw, head or neck pain, and during the day you can load
have from fatigue. Keep the teeth grinding, then your teeth can cause serious damage. Also for bruxism is true, unfortunately, that when the stress disappears, the teeth grinding is not always stop automatically.

Go to the dentist. A dentist may prescribe a bit. So do not wear your teeth, but the bit. The bruxism, however, will not disappear. There are also medications that can help to diminish the teeth grinding.

Do you're sleeping a problem, you may consider to visit a sleep clinic. Since your sleep pattern is well researched and can be a customized treatment. anyway let alone drinks with caffeine and alcohol. These provide a restless sleep and increase the risk of teeth grinding.

The important thing is that you make sure that you learn to better manage stress. Go on a course yoga or meditate every night for half an hour, so you get mentally unwind. Also, talk about your problems with your partner, friends or a psychologist.

4) Aften
Canker sores are painful sores in the mouth with a diameter of three to four millimeters. The spots are gray-white or yellow with a red, inflamed border. Usually sit canker sores on the inside of your lips, cheek or under the tongue. Fortunately, they usually disappear again after one to two weeks. An infection with a virus or bacterium is usually the cause. Often, however, such contamination will only likely if you have a reduced immunity, such as in times of stress.

Good oral hygiene causes ulcers stay no longer than necessary. Poets good, and not too hard, and if necessary, use an antiseptic mouthwash. Do you smoke, you would be well advised, if only temporarily, to stop.

Want to do something about the underlying problem - you have reduced resistance - it is necessary to adjust your lifestyle. You need to eat healthier, exercise and good to learn to deal with stress and problems. Do you think hard, talk about it with others or try with your partner or friends to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Together is easier than alone.

Itching can have different physical causes, such as dry skin or a yeast infection. Stress, however, is also a cause of itching. It can give rise to itching and worsen existing itching. The risk exists even that there is a vicious circle: stress aggravates the itch, itch which may lead again to stress, which in turn leads to a worsening of itch, etc. The consequences of severe itching are very annoying. Can you scratching your skin, sometimes bloody. For some people scratching the only way to get rid of their stress.

Do you suffer from recurrent or intense itching, then get yourself checked medically. For many physical causes are good medications available. Is physically not found, then it is important that you do not much notice the itching and the itching is not an obsession. Search distraction if you're itching or squeeze a stress ball to your hands still have to do something (other than crabs).

Find a good outlet for stress. Work out, let your massage and talk the stress away from you. Is the itching really out of control, use a soft brush instead of your nails or take a cold shower.

Oogtics - involuntary contractions of a small oogspiertje - can affect both the upper and lower eyelid. The tics usually take a few seconds, and often occur several times a day. Although usually harmless, it can be very irritating. You may be afraid that others see it and they'll find a nervous wreck or think you wink at them. In reality, others see the move often. This kind of looks racks is usually caused by lack of sleep, stress, caffeine and staring too long at a computer screen.

Oogtics often disappear spontaneously after a good night's sleep. Yet it is a sign that you need to change something about your lifestyle. Get plenty of sleep, less coffee and swap screen with other work.

7) tingling in arms and NEK
Do you regularly tingling in your hands, arms, shoulders and neck, or body parts cold or numbness, this may point to too much stress. Keeps the stress, then this feeling may worsen pain. It is often spoken of RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury). Often, it is thought that RSI is the result of doing the same movements, such as typing on a keyboard. Research shows that psychological factors have an equally important impact on the development of RSI. Probably RSI is therefore (also) an expression of a spiritual surge.

First you need to ensure good posture: Your seat should be at the right height and you have to sit right in front of the screen. To prevent further physical problems and to relax mentally, it is important to insert enough breaks and do varied work. Provide good physical condition, for example, by sports. Strong muscles and limbs namely become less congested. Moreover, it helps you tidy sports to keep in mind: it is an excellent outlet for stress and helps after a busy day, the level of stress hormones reduce in your body.

Is it you that your pants fit worse lately or just too wide? Then be alert to stress and an irregular lifestyle. Some people in times of stress the tendency vol (Fr) eat and gain weight.

Others just feel a knot in their stomach or a lump in their throats, causing them to inadvertently eat less and lose weight. Both - lose weight and arrive by stress - are not good. Come to your weight, it's usually bad for your physical condition and blood pressure. You fall too much than you can physically weaken.

Do you notice a weight change in yourself and you know that this is due to stress, make a daily schedule for yourself when it comes to food. Eat only at fixed times. This prevents you sit snacking in between, or skipping meals. Make mealtimes a moment of relaxation and tranquility. Also think: 'I refuse to stress to my appetite / figure spoil. Ultimately, it is of course important that you remove the cause of the stress and taking action that it will require.

Nightmares are an expression of anxiety or stress. It may be that you feel pretty good day best, but at night still have nightmares. Nightmares, especially if you suffer repeatedly to mean that something's bothering you: are you unknowingly doing something that you perceive as stressful.

Women in particular suffer from nightmares. More than men, they find it difficult to let go of their worries of the day at night. Nightmares are not just an unpleasant experience, but can also disrupt your sleep severely. It may be that you then difficult, or perhaps not at all fall asleep. Do you get enough sleep, then feeds it
the stress still more.

Startle you awake from a nightmare, write them immediately. That helps you get rid of the fear feeling, making you better later asleep. It also helps to figure out what exactly is bothering. You know when you call so much stress, you can do something about it.

Talk about your concerns helps reduce stress and can rid you of your nightmares. Nightmares do not necessarily relate to events from the 'now', but also of the past experiences indicate that you have not handled well. Do not you yourself, it may help to talk with a psychologist.

Do you have the flu or infections several times over a period of eg throat or bladder, you'll likely suffer from reduced resistance. Many people are not sick people well. They boost themselves with paracetamol or flu remedy, to go back to work afterwards.

During an infection or flu you should, however, take a rest. Your body tries namely a maker disease - bacteria, virus or fungus - to eliminate and that takes a lot of energy. Fever chasing up your metabolism namely: every degree your body temperature rises above 37 degrees, you do seven to twelve percent burn more calories. That is comparable to the amount of energy you use while walking a half hour or an hour workout. Ill you do not look good, it remains a disease maker slumber and become ill again after a while.

Take your symptoms seriously and tranquility. Accept that you need rest and sign sick. Turn your mobile phone and PC, and spoil yourself with light fare such as tea and crackers. See it as an opportunity to finally get a good rest.

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