
Sunday 15 May 2016

Smoking is directly related to lung cancer

Lung cancer and snuff

Smoking is directly related to lung cancer

Are harsh statements of Dr. Laureano Molins Lopez-Rodo, Chief of Thoracic Surgery Hospital Clinic of Barcelona which has agreed HBakkali through an interview.

Lung cancer the most common neoplastia (either in males or females) worldwide. Each year the numbers are increased in almost half of new cases each year and million.

The main cause of lung cancer is the consumption of snuff. It is estimated that 90% of people who suffer are or were smokers.

The snuff and its relationship with lung cancer

As we said above, then we complete an interview published by HBakkali Dr. Laureano Molins to known Lopez-Rodo (Chief of Thoracic Surgery Hospital Clinic of Barcelona). In the interview, Dr. Molins makes it clear what the main harmful effects of snuff on the health of people and explains the most important aspects of lung cancer. It also responds to the most urgent measures in preventing lung cancer against smoking among the population among our young people are.

Q. What bronchopulmonary diseases may be related to smoking? Lung Cancer

A. Basically, are pulmonary emphysema, which is the destruction of the pulmonary alveoli due to smoking and lung cancer.

Q. How snuff smoke to diseases like asthma or respiratory infections affect?

Snuff smoke it produces is a bronchial irritation and asthma in particular no longer a bronchial hyperreactivity. The snuff makes the chances of suffering asthma attacks are increased. As for respiratory infections, smoking does is that respiratory cilia lining the respiratory tree and are like the "dustbin" of the bronchi stop working, because they mobilize secretions and in the time freezes the activity is much easier than respiratory infections occur.

smoking and lung cancer, what is the relationship?

A. A very important relationship. The most important organism. There is no other cause and effect of disease as the snuff-lung cancer. 90% of patients with lung cancer are smokers or ex-smokers or.
Passive smokers, to what extent they may be at risk of cancer because of smoke snuff?
It was demonstrated more than 20 years ago, that passive smoking had a great chance of getting lung cancer because when you're smoking a cigarette, 75% of the harmful agents go abroad. The smoking is inhaling only about 25%. Whereupon which is next inspires all those toxic products. In fact, the anti-smoking law is to protect the passive smoker.

Q. women smokers are more likely than men to suffer from this tumor?

A. No, what happened is that we are now diagnosed more women, because women began in the smoking later than men. Until 15 years ago we operated 85-90% were men, and only 10% of women, now we are almost half and half. There is no greater predisposition in women, but we are now seeing the effects of that late addition to smoking.

Q. Could we say that the more years smoking will better chance of developing cancer?

A. Of course. There is a relationship in the number of cigarettes smoked and time.

Q. ... and for those who smoke occasionally, what is the risk?

A. In occasional smoker of one or two cigarettes a day, can not prove that it is sufficient to classify the person as a smoker. The problem is that it is very difficult that only smoke one or two cigarettes.

Q. When we talk about lung cancer, is more harmful cigarette smoke or cigar?

A. Cigarette smoke is the combustion of paper, tar, etc., therefore, is more damaging than the cigarette pure. Also by way of smoking. Overall, swallows people smoke less pure than the person who inhales the entire cigarette. But cigar smokers and pipe, are also at risk of developing another cancer, oral.

Q. To what extent quitting prevents the development of lung cancer?

A. Stopping smoking has been shown to benefit in two ways, firstly in breathing capacity. That is, physiologically when we are born we have 100% of our breathing capacity, we slowly losing all but the smoking lose faster. At the moment you stop smoking again have a loss of respiratory capacity similar to when not smoked. Moreover, as lung cancer, which has been seen it is that when the person who smokes takes 10-15 years without smoking your risk of suffering a lung cancer is equal to who has never smoked.

Q. How long you can endure the risk of developing neoplasia after quitting?

A. Since begins to develop lung cancer until it was detected in an X-ray or a scanner, you may have passed one, two or more years.

Q. About lung cancer, what are the most common types?

A. The most common types are those called adenocarcinoma and squamous carcinoma. Then there are other types such as large cell carcinoma and a special type that is small cell carcinoma. The first three have a possibility of surgical treatment in some cases and small cell types are usually treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, without surgery.

Q. What is its impact today?

A. The incidence is very high in smokers. We know that half of patients who smoke will die for another reason, and the other half will develop or lung cancer or cancer of the larynx or of urinary bladder or suffer a myocardial infarction or ischemic heart or artery disease peripheral. It's like flipping a coin.

Q. What are the most common symptoms that can occur with this tumor?

A. Unfortunately, the symptoms of lung cancer are not very specific. They are very general: persistent cough, chronic bronchitis that also manifest; chest pain, which may be associated with stroke; there is another alarming symptom is hemoptysis or coughing up blood.
Since arises until it gives signals that can alert the patient, how long can you go?
In principle, it may take a couple of years.

Q. What stage is usually detected?

A. Unfortunately, seven out of ten patients whom lung cancer is detected have advanced disease, either locally by invasion of structures such as the heart, aorta, etc. Or, to have distant metastases. Only three out of ten patients, 30%, will be able to be surgically treated.

Q. Why the lung is considered one of the target organ in the development of metastasis caused by tumors in other organs?

R.- any tumor metastases develop because some cells go into the bloodstream, blood. This happens all her blood through the lungs to be oxygenated, and then by the liver, so liver and lung are target organs. When the primary tumor is in the lung, the most frequent metastases usually in brain, bone and adrenal glands.

Q. At what age is usually diagnosed lung cancer?

A. The most common age at which lung cancer is diagnosed between 55-70 years, but increasingly detected in younger patients.

Q. Can be its most aggressive manifestation young people?

A. Yes, lung cancer is often more aggressive in younger people.

Q. In addition to smoking, what factors may be caused by the development of this cancer? Is there a genetic predisposition in their training?

R. Smoking is the most important factor. Between 5 and 10 of every 100 people with lung cancer have never smoked. In these patients there is a slight genetic predisposition or mutations have been watching lately in research, but similar to the probability of having a tumor in another organ percentage.

Q. Once the patient is cured, relapse is common?

A. We say that a patient is free of disease at the time that to do a medical and / or surgical treatment, and always measure the probability of cure in percentages when they spend 5 years and has not reproduced the tumor, we can say that the patient has a good chance that the tumor does not happen again. But we see, after longer (5-10 years) the occurrence of other tumors in the lung itself, especially if the patient continues to smoke.

Q. Is it possible early diagnosis of lung cancer?

A. We know that in breast, colon, prostate have been made in studies and programs that is that doing or a mammogram or a test for fecal occult blood test, or PSA, tumors are being detected more precociously and there has been an improvement in survival. In the case of lung cancer, survival is lower than in these other tumors. Out of 100 people who are diagnosed with lung cancer, only they are to cure 15 or 20 due to late detection. Early diagnosis, which consist of a chest X-ray or scanner, is still somewhat discussed. The issue is that if 90% is detected in smokers why not invest in it quit smoking? This is what has been done and has been done since the 70s What has been achieved is that 45% of the population smoked in Spain now "only" be 30%. But still smoking 30% of the population. There is increasing evidence that it is screening in lung has to take, but now there is a problem: the economic.

Q. Could we say that lung cancer is the most preventable of all cancers?

A. Yes. Lung cancer, which is continued exposure to snuff, next to skin cancer is due to the high exposure to the sun, is one of the most preventable. It is very preventable, but still causes the most number of deaths worldwide.

Q. In research and therapeutic advances, what are the main challenges?

A. We are researching genetic mutations that tumors may have to make a personalized chemotherapy patients. As for treatment, surgically whenever patients can be treated if diagnosed a tumor smaller than that diagnosed a few years ago, may make a less aggressive surgery, what we call video assisted surgery.

Q. risk and effects of smoking on health, education what extent does that urge in this regard?

A. We talked about smoking, emphysema and lung cancer, but we know that smoking also influences ischemic heart disease in the arteries; if they are the talk heart attack; if it is in the arteries of the legs, we are faced with intermittent claudication or arthropathy, laryngeal cancer, urinary tract cancer, etc. They are very serious diseases. As educational measures, the most important thing is to prevent children from starting to smoke. The cheapest and educational preventive measure is that at school, like AIDS or drug talks are held, talks in groups of nine or ten years on the effects of snuff on health in general are given.

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