
Thursday 12 May 2016

18 super foods to boost energy

18 super foods to increase energía¿Se feel tired and sleepy all the time? Are you losing interest in the home or office daily tasks ?? If so, then you are definitely in need of some rejuvenation. Feeling of heaviness and lethargy throughout the day can seriously affect your work and health. Here are a number of super foods that can boost your energy and make you feel strengthened throughout the day.

1. Water

The most essential component for the body, the water keeps the body hydrated cells for long. This integral element fends off fatigue and makes you feel full of energy all day. It is recommended to start the day with at least two glasses of water.

2. Banana

Bananas maintain sugar levels stabilized and also slow down the process of digestion, as they are accommodated in potassium and vitamin B.

3. black Chocolate

Do you know that a moderate amount of chocolate after dinner keeps the heart healthy? The chocolates are an excellent way to consume magnesium and iron. It also keeps the energy level on a high note for the day.

4. Quinoa

The richness of protein and complex carbohydrates in quinoa makes this extremely nutritious grain should be taken as an energizer. Try nuts like cereal or salads stay energetic.

5. Almonds

These petite crunchy nuts appear to be extremely powerful when the question concerns their nutritional properties. An ounce of almonds a day reduces the risk of heart disease and increase the level of energy to be rich in protein and healthy fats.

6. Salmon

Omega fatty acids are an essential nutrient when it comes to energy. Improve the energy level in an individual and also maintain the health of the brain and heart.

7. Bran Flakes

Instead of consuming cereals, bran flakes use as your daily morning startup. They are rich in fiber, and therefore make you feel full for a long time. Magnesium, iron and B vitamins bran flakes infuse a lot of energy in the body and make you active.


Legumes, such as lentils, beans and chickpeas help you when you feel drowsy and heavy eyes. They do so by stabilizing blood glucose levels and providing quick energy.

9. coconut

Whenever you feel drowsy, consuming some coconut as oil containing fat is rich in medium chain triglycerides, which is converted into energy at a faster pace. You can stay active throughout the day.

10. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is more nutritious than regular yogurt. It sneaks in a cloth to drain properly serum containing, which makes it non-fat and healthy. It is probiotic in nature and increases energy levels by increasing the body's immunity.

11. Ginger tea

A sip of hot ginger tea directly attacks the nervous system and relaxes. It is a great stimulant that is full of antioxidants to boost up.

12. Kale

Kale is a very healthy and nutritious vegetable that is not only easy to cook, but also good for your wellbeing. It is rich in calcium, vitamin and minerals, and is also a great energy booster.

13. Citrus

To increase the body's immunity, it is necessary to consume citrus fruits, like oranges, lemons, grapefruit, etc. When the body will be elevated levels of immunity, also it raises energy.

14. Whole Grains

Whole grains, such as wheat, rice, brown rice, oats, etc. They are really energizing components. They can keep satiate until the next meal.

15. Broccoli

The high fiber, rich folic acid and iron properties of broccoli it a super food increase energy different from what is a good cure for a number of chronic diseases such as cancer.

16. Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds can be eaten with salads and cereals to get benefited from components that provide energy.

17. Spinach

The iron content of spinach provide an extra boost, you need to buzzing all day.

18. Blueberry

Antioxidants and blueberry phytoflavinoids that help in the fight with the harmful components. your body immune and makes it strong.

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