
Saturday 2 January 2016

Right now your baby measures more than 12 inches from the top of the head to the rump, and weighs 5 pounds — about the size of a large pineapple. Most of the major organs — digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems — are almost able to work on their own. Your baby may already be in the head-down position, ready for delivery! Space in your uterus is tight these days, so don't be surprised if you see an errant elbow or knee poking out from your belly.

This is the week when you should finally get to meet the squirmy little bundle you've been carrying around for the last 9 months! However, often babies don't cooperate and arrive on schedule. If yours decides to stick around in your womb past your due date, talk to your doctor about whether he or she will cause you to go into labor, also known as inducing. Your baby is now full-sized. Although newborn sizes can vary, the average baby weighs 7 pounds, and measures 20 inches long from the top of the head to the rump.

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