
Thursday 17 December 2015

14 Steps for Healthy Guts- Where do I begin...?

Most cost effective alternatives are whole food nutrients. 
  • Green Smoothie, every. single. day. 2 cups (any frozen fruit plus any dark leafy greens, rotate produce)
  • Homemade Milk Kefir, every. single. day. 1 cup (gradually work up) (B vits, enzymes, most probiotics in proper ph)
  • Homemade Bone Broth, every. single. day. 1 cup (MANY nutrients needed for detox, plus minerals)
  • Homemade Kombucha every. single. day. 1 cup (start with an ounce, increase by 1 ounce a week.) (displaces and replaces candida albicans in the gut, only if no mercury/amalgam fillings/toxicity issues, nor nursing)
  • Liver, one ounce, only three times a week. (B-vits essential for detox)
  • Lentils or Beans, 1 cup per day. (folate, molybdenum)
  • Coconut Oil, 1 Tbls every. single. day. (medium chain fatty acids, kills candida in the large intestine)
  • cod liver oil, every. single day. (most expensive item) (vit A, D, K, EFAs)
  • Bubbies sauerkraut,1 Tbls. every. single. day. (or other raw, fermented food) (probiotics)
  • Brazil nuts, 1 ONLY, every. single. day. (selenium)
  • Celtic Sea Salt, a pinch in every glass of water, broth. (microminerals)
  • Lemon juice, fresh squeezed, 1 tsp. in every glass of water or smoothie. (alkalizing to body ph, paradoxically)
  • Raw local honey, 1 Tbls at bedtime. (helps bifidum bacteria to grow in the gut)
  • Egg yolk, 1 per day. (nutrients help to detox)
  • Nettles infusion, 1 or 2 cups per day. (many vitamins and minerals and phytonutrients)
  • Kelp, 1 teaspoon every day.
  • Epsom salt baths, 1 cup in a tub of water 3x/week for 20 minutes.

Total cost about $4 per day.
[This list was first created when someone asked for a multivitamin supplement suggestion.]

Welcome, we hope you will join us!

Pat RobinsonWellness Educator
For more information about healing naturally, keep updated on Facebook Heal Thyself! 

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