
Monday 16 November 2015

Sunlight and Sex Hormones

Sunlight and Sex Hormones

I'll be willing to wager a bet that you have no idea about the connection between the sun and your sex hormones.
Did I win?
Let me explain some things.
There has been quite a bit of misinformation going around about that great star in the sky that heats our planet. The sun is actually more amazing than any drug in existence. Here are some of the things that the sun does for us:
  • improves our mood and relieves depression
  • increases endurance
  • increases our sex hormones (yes, there is a connection)
  • boosts our immune system
  • improves resistance to infection
  • balances our metabolism
  • helps us to lose weight
  • strengthens our bones and muscles
  • lowers our blood pressure and blood sugar
  • lowers our risk of heart disease ,diabetes, arthritis and even helps prevent tooth decay
(I'll bet I really surprised you on that last one.) You can do your own research on that.
No wonder that many cultures have worshiped the sun. It's our ultimate source of life.
Then why are we so afraid of it ?
Well, if you are fair-skinned like me, then there is a strong possibility of sunburn because we don't produce enough melanin to tan our skin and protect it from the sun's radiation. A bad sunburn can be very painful and lessen our desire to expose ourselves to sunlight. However, we should use common sense and pay attention to our bodies when they start to redden. That's a clue that we're getting too much exposure and we should cover our skin or seek some shade.
Major companies have decided on a way to cash in on our fear of sun exposure. They have manufactured SUNSCREENS to "protect" us. Actually these products do the opposite. Almost all of the sunscreens on the market today contain harmful chemicals that are carcinogenic.
Sunscreens also increase our chances of getting a vitamin D deficiency. A study was published in March of 2009 showing that three out of every four Americans are deficient in vitamin D. The primary source for this vitamin is sunlight on our skin, not the capsules that are sold in drugstores or the prescriptions given by doctors.
Vitamin D is essential for sustaining vibrant health . It is needed for calcium absorption (to prevent osteoporosis), for improved muscular coordination and actually for protection from cancer.
By using commercial sunscreens we lower our defense for cancer and then blame it on the sun.  In fact we need about 15-20 minutes daily of sun exposure on our bare skin to produce a sufficient amount of vitamin D in our bodies to protect us from cancer.
There are natural sunscreens available that don't contain dangerous chemicals but you have to search for them. They are not sold in drugstores or even by dermatologists !!!
Just remember that you only need to apply sunscreen if you are going to expose yourself to more than 20 minutes of sunlight; playing sports, swimming, boating or gardening for example.
In addition to sunlight, you can get vitamin D from a good diet. Food sources would be oily fish (sardines, herring, fish livers - cod liver oil) and the butterfat and organ meats from grass-fed animals. If you had a mother like mine you got a daily dose of cod liver oil when you were young. I hated it then but now that I know better have started taking it as an adult.
But getting back to old Mr. Sun, can you imagine a world without the warming and healing radiation that the sun gives us? Without it our planet would be as lifeless and as colorless as the moon.
Don't fear the sun.  It's absolutely indispensable for your health. It keeps us alive and well. Remember not to overexpose your skin to it. However, doremember to bathe in it without sunscreen for about 15 minutes a day.
For all natural award-winning sunscreen go here:

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